First Day At The Bakery

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

Today is my first day working at the bakery and let's just say I am not the greatest at baking many things.

If I don't have instructions, I have a tendency to mess up a batch of cookies or worse, lemon bars. Even with some of my mess ups, Astrid's mother has been very kind to me. Instead of having me back in the kitchen baking, she has me in the front of the store cleaning and taking care of customers. Now that is something I am capable of doing.

As I wipe down the bakery counters, Astrid's mother steps out from the back. "So how is everything going up here?" She asks.

"Things are going well. Easier then working in the back to be honest." I chuckle a little as I reply.

She chuckles as well. "I completely understand; but I'm sure you'd be able to get the hang of it one day."

"Heh, maybe." I finish wiping down the counters and move over to start cleaning the tables.

"So, tell me. What was your last job?" She leans against the counter and watches me.

I look over to her for a moment before answering. "Well, I was an architect. I designed all kinds of buildings."

"Oh really? That sounds amazing. Did you like your job?" She asks.

I nod and smile a bit. "Yeah, I did. I really loved it. Just wish I had a better understanding on why I was fired."

"Well, my daughter told me that you were laid off. Wasn't that the reason?" She asked confused.

I shrug before responding. "That's what I was told but something about it just didn't seem right about it. There's not much that I can do about it now but, I felt like it was more than just not enough funds to pay the workers."

She walks out from behind the counter and walks over to me. "Well, I'm sure you'll be able to find something. In the meantime, you'll always have a job here. We are always in need of help at the bakery."

I look over to her and smile. "Thank you... for allowing me to work here until I can find another job."

"I am always happy for the help. Just promise me you won't do any baking until you get some practice in." She smiles.

I chuckle a bit and nod. "Deal!"


After cleaning all the tables and helping some customers, Astrid's mom allows me to go on my break. I tried to tell her I didn't need one but she insisted, so instead of disobeying her, I decided to go. During my break I checked my phone for any messages from anyone. I also decided to apply to some jobs. Most were simple desk jobs but there were a few that was in my interest. So now I must wait for them to contact me for a possible interview.

While I wait for the rest of my break to finish, I decide to sit outside the bakery and enjoy some of the fresh air. As I look at the strip of buildings down the street, I also see a women with wild red curly hair. At first glance you wouldn't be able to figure out who it was until she turns her head. There, standing next to a black sedan, was my ex, Merida. She stood there next a man that looked nothing like Astrid's brother Aaron. Instead of blonde hair, he has brown hair and looks to be even buffer; almost like he works out almost all day everyday.

As I think back on my past with Merida, I can only imagine that she cheated on me many times throughout our relationship. I miss nothing about her and how she did almost nothing for my family. She is now almost completely out of my life except for the fact that she is my daughter's mother. The sad thing about it all is she won't even answer my phone calls when it comes to setting up a meeting between Heaven and her. Now even though Heaven may have gotten used to not seeing her own mother, I can tell that she still misses her. As I think about it all, I also don't want to people to think I'm going to rush into a new relationship.

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