Princess Birthday Party

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

It's been 6 months since Merida and I had divorced. During that time, Heaven and I moved to a smaller house with the help of my cousin Snotlout and my dad, Stoick. Heaven has her own room filled with her princess furniture that's mixed with her stuffed dragons from the movie How To Train Your Dragon.

Heaven still sees her mother, but due to the fact of Merida not liking her much, it's only one weekend per month. Heaven doesn't seem to care much though knowing she gets to see her grandparents every weekend she's with me. My parents love her to death so if I ever have to ask for them to watch her, they'd take her in a heart beat.

I still haven't found anyone yet to love due to the fact I'm always watching and taking care of Heaven when I return home from work. I'm sure Merida has already found someone though. It wouldn't surprise me if she had.

Anyways, today is Heaven's 5th birthday. She's gonna have a princess birthday. She specifically requested a princess party with an actual princess. So of course, because I'm her father and want her to have a wonderful 5th birthday, I hired someone to play a princess for her. I remember my cousin did something similar for his son. It actually wasn't half bad, known him and how he likes to show off all the time.

I haven't met who the princess is going to be personally but I was told she would be here a half hour after the party starts to give time for people to arrive and have it be a surprise for Heaven and her friends.

The party starts at noon and goes till about 4 o'clock, or till whenever everyone decides to leave. Since right now it's only 8 o'clock, I still have time to make breakfast for my favorite princess when she wakes up. Which won't be for another half hour.

I head downstairs quietly as to not wake Heaven up and head to the kitchen. I take out a box of chocolate chips and ingredients to make pancakes. Chocolate pancakes are her favorite. I would make them for her all the time. Each time I try to create different shapes or animals while making them. Her favorite so far is the Stormfly pancake I make. So I make her one of those and one shaped like a crown. I place them both on a plate and put a little bit of whip cream on top along with strawberries on the side.

I set the plate on the table and head upstairs to her room. I knock on her door quietly before entering. After quietly opening the door, I see Heaven sleeping peacefully on her bed with her Stormfly cradled in her arms. I smile at the site and slowly walk to her bed. I bend down and gently shake her to wake her up. After a couple shakes, she yawns and slowly opens her eyes.

"Happy birthday princess." I smile and kiss the top of her head.

"Thanks daddy!" She gets up and wraps her tiny arms around my neck to give me a hug.

"Your welcome princess! You ready for breakfast?" I ask.

She nods her head excitedly, "yes!"

"Then lets go!" I pick her up and head downstairs to the kitchen.

Once downstairs, she looks at the pancakes set at the table and her smile grows. "Stormfly pancakes! Thank you daddy!!" She cheers and hugs me again.

"You're welcome!" Hug her back and set her down in her seat. "Now eat up!"

She smiles and starts eating her chocolate chip pancakes. I sit down next to her and start eating the pancakes I have on my plate.

After breakfast, I bring Heaven upstairs to her room and set her down. "Do you want help picking out what to wear?" I ask.

She shook her head no and pushed me out the door. "You'll have to wait and see!"

I chuckle a little bit. "Alright, I'll be downstairs if you need me."

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