Getting To Know You Part 2

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Astrid's P.O.V.

My lips were locked with Hiccup's and everything else in the world seemed to fade away. The kiss wasn't a hungry one, but a gentle one. Neither of us advanced on each other, so we just stayed like that, kissing each other with nothing to bother us.

We pulled away moments later and just looked at each other. I could feel my face heat up as a blush spread to my cheeks. We stared at each other, not wanting to look away. To be honest, I wanted to kiss him again. He kissed me like I was a delicate flower that could break at anytime. Other guys never did that, they were always rough when they kissed me and they tried going farther than I wanted to. Hiccup was the complete opposite, once he kissed me, he kept his lips on mine and didn't dare advance to something more.

Everything was silent for awhile until Hiccup broke the silence. "So, how long has your family owned the bakery?" He asked.

I brought my hand up and hid a piece of my hair behind my ear before answering. "For as long as I could remember really. It used to be my grandmothers but then she passed it down to my mother."

"So it's like a family heirloom?" He asked.

"Yea, I guess you can say that. My parents want it to stay in the family for as long as we can keep it up and running."

"So the next person it will be passed down to is you or your brother?" He asks as he leans back on his hands a little.

I lean back as well and think for a moment. I never really thought about who would get it next. "I don't know. My brother doesn't really help out much so it would probably be me." I answer. "Though I don't know much about running a bakery."

He chuckles a little. "Really? When you helped me earlier you looked like you knew exactly what you were doing. I think you'll be wonderful at it! And if you need some help every now and then, I'd be glad to give you some assistance."

"You know how to run a bakery?" I asked a bit amazed. I didn't know he'd be able to do something like that.

He shakes his head. "Not really, but I'd be able to help you out. Like help serve customers, maybe bake some goodies if you taught me."

"Really? Thanks! I think we actually need as much help as we can get with my mother in her current health. I asked my brother a few times but he simply refuses to do anything, so it's just been me. It would be nice to have that extra help." I smile at him.

"And I'm glad to help. Just tell me when you need me and I'll be there." He smiles back.

"I will, I'll make sure of that!" I giggle.

We stay quiet for a few moments before Hiccup stands up and holds a hand out for me. I look at him a bit confused before accepting his hand and letting him pull me up.

"Where are we going now?" I asked.

"I thought a nice walk along the water with the sunset would be a good idea." He smiles as he tangles his fingers with mine and walks towards the waters edge.

"That does sound nice." I smile as I walk along side him.

With each step we take, I feel the water wash up on the shore and cover my feet. It felt nice on my skin as I looked up at the sunset with my hand still in Hiccup's. The sunset was beautiful and I couldn't have asked for a better way to end the night. It was stunning and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Once the sunset went down, Hiccup and I cleaned up the picnic area and made our way back to the car. I had to follow him most of the way because I had no idea where the car was. He had me close my eyes on the way here so I had no clue where I was going, but luckily he did.

When we got to the car, we put everything in the trunk and got inside. Once seated inside the vehicle, Hiccup started it up and drove off back to the main road which took us back to town. We listened to some music and talked some more until we pulled up in front of the bakery.

Hiccup got out of the car and walked around to the other side, opening my door for me. He held his hand out for me and I gladly took it before stepping out. He shut the door once I was out and I looked at the bakery before turning to him.

"Would you like to stay for awhile? Or do you have to go?" I asked as I looked at his emerald eyes.

"Sadly, I have to go. I have work tomorrow morning but I will be back tomorrow to grab those lemon bars for Heaven." He chuckles slightly.

I giggle quietly to myself. "I'll make sure I'll have them all ready when you get here." I smile to him and walk to the front door of the bakery. "So, I'll see you tomorrow then?" I looked up at him and waited for an answer.

He nods with a small smile. "Yea, I'll see you tomorrow."

I smile back to him and open the door to the bakery. I stopped before entering and looked over at him. I suddenly had the urge to kiss him again. I wasn't sure what to do at this moment, if I should kiss him or not. But before I could even make a choice, Hiccup walked up to me and placed his lips on mine, making my mind up for me.

I closed my eyes and kissed him back. It felt weird kissing him because we weren't together but yet I enjoyed every second of it. I could only enjoy the kiss more the longer it went. It was absolutely amazing.

A few moments later, we pulled away from each other and looked into each others eyes. We smiled at each other and Hiccup backed up a little bit. I was a little upset he backed away but I didn't bother to show it.

"I'll see you tomorrow Astrid." He smiles at me.

"I'll see you tomorrow Hiccup." I smiled one last time to him and head inside the bakery. Once the door was shut, I locked it and placed my back up against it.

I smiled happily to myself and headed upstairs. I walked to the room I stay in while I work here and laid down on the bed. I closed my eyes and smile like an idiot as I fall into a deep and peaceful sleep.


Hey Vikings!!!

I'm so sorry for not updating in a few months. I really am!! But I was busy with school, work, and practicing for a performance! But! Now my schedule has slowed down a little bit so I'm using my study hall to finish this chapter!!!

I promise I'll try my best to finish chapters to my other stories as well, but I can't say when. But I'll try to update them soon!!

Anyways, I'm not going to ask any questions today except for maybe a few. XD

1. What do you want to happen next?

2. What do you think will happen next?

3. Was it good or bad?

Please answer the questions in the comments!!

And please comment, share, vote, and follow!! I promise I follow back!!

If you have any ideas for this story, please let me know either in the comments or just PM me!


Bye for now Vikings!!!


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