Run in at the Store

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Hiccup's P.O.V. 

"Alright, princess, is there anything else we need to grab before we head home?" I look at my daughter and watch as her face scrunches up as she starts to think about my question. 

The two of us currently stand in the baking aisle of our local grocery store. We are here to gather supplies for our surprise for Astrid and her mother. Tonight, Heaven and I will be asking them to move in with us. Since they've been going back and forth between my home and the bakery, I figured it was time to give them a permanent option. That is if they accept the proposal, which I hope they will. 

When I asked Heaven if she wanted them to move in with us, she was thrilled. Then, when I asked if she wanted to help me ask them, she was ecstatic. She couldn't hold in her excitement and started coming up with a variety of ideas to help. All the ideas she came up with were wonderful, but a bit more than what I was expecting. One of her ideas was to throw a huge party in their honor and to have a big box that she could hide in. Her hope was that when they opened it, it would reveal her holding a sign asking them to move in. I loved the idea, but that it was a bit much for what we wanted to do. 

At the end of the day, we decided to have a wonderful homemade dinner along with some dessert. On the dessert will be a message for both of them. Hopefully, it works the way we want it to. Though, in order for it to work in the first place, we had to figure out what to make for dinner and for the dessert. So that is why we came to the store, to get all the ingredients that we need. 

"I don't think so daddy," she says, looking behind her in the cart. She glances at the stuff for a couple of seconds before turning her attention back to me. "Can we get mommy and grandma a gift?" She asks. 

I look at her with a smile and lean in, folding my arms on the handlebar and running a hand through my daughter's auburn hair. "Of course, princess. We can get both mommy and grandma a gift," I answer, kissing her forehead, "What kind of gift do you want to give them?" 

She looks at me and gives me a shrug. "I don't know," she says. 

I chuckle, "Alright, how about we walk around and see if we can find something?" I ask. 

She nods happily at my idea and begins to bounce in her seat with excitement. I chuckle at my overly excited daughter and push the cart out of the food aisle towards the clothing and home goods. As we walk through the aisles, I glance at the shelves to see if anything pops out. So far, nothing does, at least not to me. My daughter, on the other hand, is interested in any unique item. 

"Oh! Daddy! Over there!" Heaven squeals as she points towards the round counter full of jewelry. 

I follow her finger and give her a smile along with a kiss to the top of her head. "Excellent idea princess." 

As soon as we walk over to the jewelry counter, Heaven leans over in the cart and starts looking at everything inside the case. To help her, I decide to pick her up and slowly walk around, pointing to things that I think could work. 

"Oh, how about this one?" I ask, pointing to a necklace with a chain of 5 different colored flowers in the center. 

"Na-uh," she responds, glancing at it. 

I chuckle. "Alright, how about that one?" I ask again, pointing to a silver sterling bracelet that looked like a snake that coiled around her wrist. 

She shakes her head, "It looks scary." She says, looking at it. 

"Yeah, you're right," I answer before walking to a different spot on the counter. 

We continue this process for a couple of minutes until I spot a matching bracelet and necklace with a tree. The leaves on the tree are green, blue, pink, and purple. Looking at them, it looks like it could be a stone for each of us. Smiling, I point to the pair.

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