Normal Day

370 11 15

Hiccup's P.O.V.

It's been a month since we ran into Merida at the restaurant. I immediately called my lawyer and filled for full custody over Heaven. So far I haven't been given my request but a court date is scheduled for next week in front of a judge. Hopefully they will rule in my favor and help me keep Merida out of Heaven's life.

I've tried all I could since Merida and I split to allow her to see her daughter. She barely takes her and when she does, it's only for a few hours. We even went down to once a month but she doesn't even prefer that. Merida would rather go off on a date then spend time with the child she gave birth too. It makes me wonder what I even saw in her in the first place.

Even if I may want to go back in the past and redo some of my life, The only thing I don't want to change is Heaven. She's a joy to have and I can't imagine my current like without her. Which explains one of the reasons why I am claiming full custody over her. She may hate me later on for not letting her see her mother, but she barely sees her anyways. She gets excited when she sees her yes, but then she gets scared soon after. Plus I've noticed she gets more excited when she sees Astrid. Which is a win in my book.

Not only have I been dealing with this custody case, but I've also been working on building my business. I've come up with a proposal and sent it out to a collection of investors. So far I haven't had any luck, but I will continue to try until I get someone interested in my idea. Ingrid did warn me it would take a while to find the right people. I agree with her but also at the same time, I want to find someone soon.

While I search for investors, I continue to work at the bakery. Heaven either comes with me to work or she visits her grandparents for the day. She still continues her dance lessons, even though they are getting a bit harder to pay for. Astrid said she could help with them but I told her not to worry about it.

Ingrid and Astrid are right when saying the bakery pay isn't going to help pay all the bills. I'm lucky that I had money saved up from when I was still working at my old job, but I know that is not going to last forever. I've even had to tell Heaven we couldn't go out for dinner as often as we used to. She was a bit upset but it allowed her to help Ingrid cook whenever we had dinner with them.

To be honest, money wouldn't be so bad right now if I didn't have to pay for the lawyer for the custody case. Lawyers are not cheap, their base pay is roughly a thousand dollars. I may regret it now but in the end, it will be completely worth it. Heaven will be in my full custody and I no longer have to worry about Merida treating her like a mistake. Instead, Heaven will have Astrid, who is already a mother figure to her.

Speaking of Astrid, her and I have been doing pretty well this past month. I've taken her on a couple of dates for just the two of us, and she's enjoyed everyone. Most are simple of course, little money is used. I've found amazing ways to have a wonderful date with almost no money being used. Best part is, she loves all of them.

Her and her mother have dinner at our place at least once a week and stay there for the night. There's been a few times Heaven has decided to snuggle with us. When she does, Astrid will enjoy every minute of it. She's snuggled close with her a couple of times and curled into a ball around her. Heaven enjoys the cuddles of course responds happily to Astrid's movements. I've even done a few sketches of them sleeping together and I personally think it's the greatest thing ever. I eventually want to paint a picture of the two of them and than hang it up in my room.

Speaking of painting, Astrid's coworker Rapunzel has seen a couple of my drawings. She was thrilled with my work and insisted I hang a few pieces up in her gallery. I was hesitant to do so at first until Astrid quickly persuaded me to do so. She said it may be a chance for a few people to see my work and possibly ask for a commission. It wouldn't hurt to do a few pieces here and there for money, now would it?

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