Love Filled Family Night

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Astrid's P.O.V. 

As soon as I come back home from work, I immediately start creating some baked goods. Before I finished work, I asked Hiccup and Heaven to go pick up my mother and grab some supplies. I even asked Hiccup to see if he could get his parents to come over for the night. With all that's happened today, I wanted to do something to cheer both him and his daughter up. Hopefully, with my mother's help, we can give them a fun-filled night. 

Looking through the cupboards, I pull out a bag of chocolate chips, flour, sugar, oil, lemons, and a collection of other supplies. After pulling out the necessary bowls and pans, I start putting the ingredients together for Heaven's favorite lemon bars. Once the mixture is in the proper baking pan, I put the lemon bars in the oven before starting on the next baked good: s'more bars.

As I work on the s'mores, I hear the garage door open. I turn around to see my mother walk inside with a collection of grocery bags. Smiling, I walk over and grab a few of the bags from her and put them on the table. 

"Thank you, mom," I tell her, smiling. 

She smiles, "Oh, of course, darling! Now, do you want to fill me in about what exactly you have planned?" 

"Sure, once I get Hiccup and Heaven in a different room," I respond, bringing a bag full of chocolate chips and butterscotch chips to the counter. 

As if on cue, both Hiccup and Heaven walk into the kitchen with a few more grocery bags. The moment Heaven sets her bags down, she runs over and hugs my legs. Turning around, I kneel down and hug her. 


"Why hello sweetie! Did you have a fun ride with daddy and grandma?" I ask, picking her up and walking over to Hiccup. 

"Yeah!" She squeals. 

I smile and kiss her head before looking over at Hiccup. "Were you able to see if your parents wanted to come over?"

"Yeah, they'll be here in about 20. I just have to call and let them know that we're home," he says, walking over to me and kissing my cheek. 

"Good! I'm glad to know they'll be coming," I respond. 

"So, are you baking something?" He asks, looking around at the currently used kitchen. 

"Maybe," I grin, "Though as much as I would love your help, I am going to have to ask for you two to go elsewhere in the house." 

He raises an eyebrow in confusion, "What? Why?" 

"I have a surprise for both you and Heaven. I can't do this surprise with you two here," I explain. 

He looks at me for a moment then nods slowly. "Alright, how much time do you need?" He asks. 

I think for a moment before responding, "Maybe 2 and a half hours?" 

"Are we at least able to stay here?" 

"Of course! You two aren't allowed to be in the kitchen or the backyard yet. You're not even allowed to peak in the backyard either," I answer. 

He chuckles quietly and nods. "Alright, I'll take Heaven and head upstairs. Just come and get up when you need us." 

"I will don't you worry," I smile and kiss him quickly before handing him, Heaven. I give her a kiss of her own and watch as the two of them walk out of the room. Once I hear their footsteps on the staircase, I turn my attention toward my mother. 

"Alright, Astrid. Time for you to tell me what's going on." 

~~Two Hours Later~~ 

Hiccup's P.O.V. 

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