Let's Go

119 6 2

Merida's P.O.V.

I rub my temple with a groan. That little girl will not shut up. She won't stop asking questions about her stupid father. I was lucky enough that she slept the entire way here, but apparently, she woke up once we arrived. It took forever to get her to fall back asleep. By then, she had just about ruined the fun time I was going to be having with Aaron. I certainly was not happy.

She woke up early this morning, just like her father used to do, and came to ask for breakfast and him. I was starting to run out of excuses while making her breakfast when Aaron decided to jump in. He decided to take her for a walk in the surrounding woods. Don't judge when I say I hope she falls off a cliff on their walk. She is one annoying 5-year-old.

Taking a deep breath, I get up from the table and walk over to the tiny kitchen to get myself a cup of coffee. The amount of sleep I got last night was barely enough for me to cook food. And if I have to deal with Heaven later, I'll need all the caffeine I can get.

After mixing up the perfect cup of coffee, I smell the deliciousness of the juice before taking a sip. Satisfied, I walk over toward the living space to have some me time. Sitting on the couch, I turn the TV on and click through each channel till I find one I can enjoy. It takes a minute to flip through the childish channels before I land on something interesting: Fashion Week. Settling in with my cup in hand, I turn the volume up and watch.

I manage to get through about two hours before my phone rings. Groaning, I set my cup down on the table and make my way into the kitchen. Picking it up from the counter, I look to see Aaron on the caller ID.

"Hey babe," I answer.

"Hey, baby. We got a problem." He speaks nervously.

"Problem? What kind of problem?" I ask. "You manage to lose the kid? Because if you did. That's not a problem."

He chuckles anxiously. "Sadly, that's not it. There's another problem. Bigger than the little one."

"What's the problem then?' I say, getting worried.

A gulp goes through his line before dreaded words fill the line. "The police are surrounding the house."


Moving to the front windows, I pull the curtain away just a tad to see that, indeed, there are at least half a dozen police cars parked around the house. Groaning, I pull away and head upstairs, hoping to stay out of view.

"Where are you guys?" I hiss.

"I took a detour. We're heading back up the trail toward the waterfall." He explains. Behind him, I can hear Heaven's voice asking question after question.

Taking a deep breath, I groan and try to think of a plan. Hopefully, one that doesn't have the police expecting us of anything.

"Alright, I need you to hide her. We can't have them thinking she's here with us. If they do, we're done for. Hide her somewhere they can't find her then get your ass back here." I quietly shout.

"Alright, you got it. I'll be back soon."

"Be safe...And stay out of sight."

Hanging up the phone, I stroll to the window and take a peek outside. They still sit in their positions, each one facing the house. A handful of them group together and talk with who looks like the Captain. The others stay focused on the house. Growling I step away and think how they could possibly be here, how they could possibly find us. And only one name comes to mind.


~~Few Hours Earlier~~

Hiccup's P.O.V.

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