Feelings and Remeetings

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Astrid's P.O.V.

It's been two months since Heaven joined one of my dance classes and Hiccup and I started hanging out. After every class I have with Heaven, we would go out and do something fun. I must admit I enjoy every minute of it along with my crush developing more and more.

I'm at the point where I am almost in love with Hiccup. I try my best to hide my feelings for him and I'm dong pretty well at it. Though there are still times when I want to kiss his lips. Every now and then I have to prevent myself from leaning across the table or in the car to kiss him. There are also times when I just want to tell him how I feel about him and I hope he feels the same.

Though knowing my brother, I'm sure he wouldn't want me dating someone like Hiccup. My brother was always against people getting married, having a kid, then divorcing a few years later. Plus he's going to think Hiccup is a fishbone. Well he is a fishbone but a really hot one. I mean, yea Hiccup has a daughter but she's so freaking adorable! She's the cutest thing ever! I haven't met her mother but I doubt she's nothing like her! She's so energetic like Hiccup.

Right now, I'm helping my mother out at the bakery so she doesn't have to work so hard. My mother has lung cancer. She's not supposed to be working every day 24/7. She's supposed to be at home resting but she refuses.

Many say I look a lot like her. I have her blonde hair and blue eyes with the same lips and nose. Though my mother says I got my father's aggressive attitude whenever I get mad and upset. My father on the other hand says I'm another version of my mother, sweet, caring, and lovable.

I walk out from the back and place a fresh tray of cookies onto the top shelf of the bakery case. I look around the bakery to see a family sitting in the corner eating their baked goods and beverages. I smile to see the satisfied look on our customers faces before heading into the kitchen. When I walk through the doors, I see my mother working on another batch of lemon bars. I walk over to her and take the bowl out of her hands.

"Mother you need to rest." I look at her and place a hand on her shoulder.

"I know, and I will once you find someone and get married." She stares at me and cocks her head to the side.

"Mom! I don't have time to go out and date guys! I need to stay here to help you run the bakery!" I gesture to the big building we stand in.

She sighs. "I'm not going to live forever darling and I want grandchildren. Your brother certainly isn't going to give me any due to his new girlfriend not wanting kids. So your the only hope I have left."

I stare at her with a 'really' look. "Seriously? It's not like some random guy is going to walk through the door with flowers in his hands and ask me out! That doesn't happen every day mother."

"I know but I can dream and pray can't I?" She places a hand on her side as the front door chimes open. My mother takes her rag and wipes her hands. "You finish up with the bars and I'll go check the front."

I nod my head as she walks through the doors that separates the kitchen from the costumers. I continue where my mother left off with the bars and place them in a pan before sticking them in the oven for 30 minutes.

"Astrid sweetie! Someones here to see you!" My mother calls from the front.

"Be right there!" I grab a rag from the counter and wipe my hands as I walk through the doors. When I walk out, I see Hiccup standing at the front counter with a bouquet of roses in his hands. I continue wiping my hands as I walk over to them. "Hiccup, what are you doing here?"

"Who know this guy?" My mother asks as she points to the tall auburn haired dude standing on the other side of the counter.

"Yea, his daughter is in one of my dance classes. Plus he's the one I hang out with after classes." I explain.

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