Dinner and Bowling

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

I waited patiently against the wall as I watched the girls twirl. Heaven's class ends in a few minutes so they finish up with a few stretches to keep their muscles from getting sore. I smile as I watch Heaven trying to reach for her toes. A few of the other parents start arriving for their children. There are a few dad's but most of them are mothers.

Once class is over all the girls grab their bags and run to their parents after changing their shoes. They all wave bye to Astrid as they walk out the door. Astrid waves back to them as they leave with a smile on her face. Heaven runs over to me and wraps her tiny arms around my legs. I chuckle slightly and pick her up.

"Did you enjoy class?" I asked as I walked over to Astrid.

"Yea! It was so fun!!" She cheered in excitement.

"You wanna tell him what you did today?" Astrid asks as she walks to her desk to grab Heavens other shoes and bag.

"We got to twirl and dance across the whole floor!" She smiled.

"Wow, that must've been really fun." I smile as I set her down in one of the waiting chairs and took her shoes from Astrid.

"It was so fun! I can't wait till the next class!" Her smile grows with every word she speaks.

I chuckle and slip on her street shoes. Astrid takes the dancing slippers from right next to me and places them into Heaven's dancing bag. She sets the bag next to me before heading over to her desk to grab a few things.

I look over at her and ask her, "Are you still on for dinner with us tonight?"

She turns her attention to me and nods. "Yea, just let me call someone real quick and I'll meet you outside." I nod and pick Heaven's bag up.

"To the car!" I point out the door and Heaven goes running. I chuckle and I walk behind her and out to the car. Once at the car, I help Heaven inside and buckle her into her buster seat. I set her bag down by her dangling feet and kiss the top of her head. "What do you want for dinner tonight?" I ask her.

"Pizza!" She cheers.

"Alright!" I smile.

"Daddy?" She asks as I'm about to shut the back door.


"Is Astrid coming with us for pizza?" She asks.

"She sure is. Why?" I ask.

"Because she's awesome!" She squeals.

I smile and kiss the top of her head before shutting the back door. Astrid walks out just a few moments later and heads my way. I wave her over as I walk to the drivers door. Once she's close enough to hear me, I speak. "Heaven wanted pizza, is that okay?" I ask.

"Yea! Pizza sounds so good right now!" She exclaims as she heads to the passenger door and opens it.

I open the driver door and we both slide in at the same time. I look in the rearview mirror to see Heaven smiling widely.

"Astrid!!" Astrid looks behind her after she buckles in to look at her.

"Yes?" She smiles.

"You're joining us for pizza?" She asks excitedly.

"I sure am!"

I smile at both girls and pull out of the parking lot before driving to the Pizza Palace.


The three of us eat pizza as we talk about life. Heaven has told stories bout how she and I would go to the zoo every month in the summer and spring to see the animals. She also told her which animal was her favorite.

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