Dinner With Her Mother

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Astrid's P.O.V.

As we pull up to the bakery, Heaven looks out her window toward the shop. Her eyes are open wide as she smiles excitedly. "I love this bakery!" She squeals as she looks to us.

I smile and chuckle; "So do I. And the best part is, I live here too."

"You what????" She looks to me in disbelief.

I chuckle and nod as I look back to her. "My mother and I live on the second floor of the bakery. Then during the day we work in the bakery to make some money."

"You work in the bakery?" She tilts her head as she looks to me.

"I do. My mother and I own it."

"Whoa! So cool!" She giggles in excitement as well as bounce up and down in her seat.

After we get out of the car, we all head inside and walk to the back staircase. As we do, I watch as Heaven just about drools at the sweets in the case. Hiccup chuckles, picks her up and carries her along. She giggles and looks around as we walk into the back room and up those steps. As we go up the steps, I can smell my mother making dinner; her lasagna.

"Mother! We're here!" I open the door and the three of us walk into our small kitchen and dining room. I see my mother standing in the kitchen making some dessert to go after her lasagna.

"Why hello! Welcome!" She wipes her hands and looks to the three of us.

I smile before introducing both Heaven and Hiccup to her. "Mom, this is Hiccup, and his daughter Heaven."

Heaven shyly waves to her and smiles. "Hi." She giggles as my mother waves back to her.

"You are so adorable!" My mother smiles as Heaven waves more before looking to Hiccup. "So you're the one my daughter has been talking to me about."

Hiccup blushes and looks to her. He goes to say something when my mother speaks up. "Oh don't worry. No bad things were told, only good." She smiles before offering them some beverages.

As I grab them beverages, Hiccup sets Heaven on one of the bar stools where she can watch my mother work on dinner. She watches enchantedly as my mother puts the different ingredients into a bowl to mix them.

"Would you like to help?" She smiles to Heaven as her eyes widen in excitement.


My mother nods and hands her the whisk so she can start mixing the ingredients together. As she does that, I walk over to Hiccup and hand him his glass with a smile. He smiles and thanks me before taking a sip of his water.

"I didn't realize you lived above the bakery." He looks to me after watching Heaven pour the batter into a pan.

"Yeah... It's cheaper to live above the bakery then to live somewhere else. Plus this way I never have to worry about being late to work." I smile a bit as I drink my own glass of water.

"When I dropped you off yesterday, I thought you just didn't want me to see your home."

I chuckle a little bit. "I'm not that kind of person. I just find no need to live anywhere else and waste more money that I don't really have."

"All of that is understandable." He looks ahead. "Unless your trying to hide that you're actually a millionaire and you are just trying to see if I would take advantage of you if I knew the truth." He smirks and looks to me as he raises an eyebrow in question.

I laugh and almost choke on my water as I had taken a sip during his thought process. I look over to him as he smiles with a grin on his face. I can tell he was also having a bit of a laugh as well.

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