Author's Question

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Hello wonderful readers!

I have a question for all of you, and please, I would love to get your honest answers and opinion on this question.

So, since I've been writing more and I love to write, I thought about creating a Patreon account. Now, if I had a patreon account, would you all be interested to join? I thought about doing something special for those who decided to sign up like a video call with me and chances to help me develop new stories and chapters. Though, I love giving you guys free access to my stories! The patreon would be an optional thing so I'm not even sure if I'll end up doing it.

Another question I have for you guys is if by chance you know of any sites that may pay writers? I've been looking but have been having a hard time doing so!

I love you all and please give me your most honest answers. I truly want to know your thoughts about these questions.

And don't worry, the next chapter will be posted hopefully tomorrow!

Thank you all! And I will see you in the next chapter!


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