Dance Class

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Astrid's P.O.V.

A few weeks after the party, I sit in the dance studio waiting for my next class to begin. While I wait, I go over the next routine I'm going to do with my class of girl that range from 5-6. Since they are just beginners, I come up with something simple and fun for them to do.

I hear the door chime open and I turn around to see my brother Aaron standing there. "Hey sis!" He walks over and gives me a hug.

"Hey Aaron." I hug him back. "What are you doing here?"

"What? I can't visit my own sister?" He whines playfully.

"You can, but you're not the type to walk in here just for the fun of it." I raise an eyebrow at him.

"You're right. I just got off of work and was wondering if you needed a ride home." He sticks his hands in his pocket after he brushes back his sandy colored hair.

"I have a class in a couple minutes. You go on ahead and head home. I'll just walk." I place my sheets on the table and double check the file for the girls enrolled in this class. I was told we were getting a new student but I haven't seen her file yet.

"You sure? It'll be dark by the time you get home. I can stay here and wait if you want me too." He follows me to my desk and looks at me.

"I'll be fine! Plus you need to head home to check up on mom and make sure she's doing alright. I can always take the bus or ask Ruff to come pick me up." I place a hand on my hip and look at him.

"Fine, be careful though on your way home." He gives me a hug before making his way to the door.

"I will, love you!" I call after him.

"Love you too!" He walks out the door and is out of my sight for the rest of the day till I get home.

I sit down at my desk and go over the routine in my head. As I rehearse the dance moves in my head, the phone on my desk rings.


"Astrid, your new student is here."

"Thanks Rita, please send them down."

"Yes miss."

I hang up the phone and go back to studying the moves. I hear the door to my studio open and I lift my head up to see the last person I expected to see.

"Hiccup? Heaven?" I get up slowly and walk to them.

"Princess Astrid!!" Heaven runs over to me and gives me a hug.

"Astrid? You work here?" Hiccup asks as he walks closer to us.

I hug Heaven back before standing back up. "Yea, being a princess for birthdays is a part time job. This is my main job." I tell him. He slightly nods his head in a daze. I turn my attention back to his daughter. "You must be the new student. You going to join dance?" I ask her.

She nods her head excitedly. "Yes!! I love dancing!! I dance with daddy all the time!" Her little smile grows every time she talks.

I can't help but smile and grin at the excitement she had. "Alright! Let's go and get you some shoes to wear." I take her hand and bring her to the small closet I have full of shoes of all sizes. I pick her up and place her on the bench next to it and take her shoes off. I look at the size before going into the closet to grab a pink pair of ballet slippers that were her size.

She holds out her feet when it comes time for me to put her shoes on. I laugh a little bit and slide them on. Once both were on her, I put her back on the floor. She ran around the room dancing. "These shoes are amazing!!" She giggles as she twirls.

I pick her other shoes and set them next to my desk. I look over to Hiccup to see him watching his daughter spin circles on the dance floor. I walk over next to him and look at her as well. "She's a natural." I say.

"Yea, she's better than I ever was." He chuckles. He turns to me with a smile on his face as I walk back to my desk to grab the information packet that has all the class details. "Can I ask you something?"He asks as he walks closer to me.

"Sure." I answer as I turn to face him and sit at the edge of my desk.

"Would you possibly like to hang out soon?" He scratches the back of his neck nervously as he waits for my answer. I widen my eyes a little bit in surprise and look at him. "You don't have to if you don't want to. It just seems like Heaven likes you so much I thought it would be nice to get to know you better."

"I'd love to hang out with you." I smile a bit as I see him blossom with a blush.

"Great! When's the next time your free?" He asks.

"Any night really." I reply.

"How about tonight? You can join me and Heaven for dinner."

"Sounds wonderful!" Just as I say those words, my class starts walking into the room. "Well, I have a class to teach. Here's a packet with just some simple information about the classes and the schedule. If you have any questions, feel free to ask." I smile softly as he takes the packet from on hands.

"Alright, I'll see you when your class ends." He smiles and he walks to the door.

Heaven runs to Hiccup before he leaves and says goodbye. Hiccup kisses her cheek before she runs back into the center with all the girls. He slightly waves to me and walks out the door.

I really hope he doesn't have a wife right now, because I think I'm developing one hell of a crush.


Hey Vikings!!!

I've updated!!! This is my third update today!!! I've had so much free time today!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! I hope you're all glad that Hiccup asked Astrid out!!


1. What do you think Hiccup is feeling right now?

2. When do you think Hiccup and Astrid will get together?

3. What do you think will happen next?

4. Whet do you want to happen next?

Please tell me in the comments below!!

Was it good or bad?

Feel free to comment, share, and follow!!! I follow back!!!

If you have any ideas for the next chapter, please let me know!! I promise you'll get the credit for you ideas!!!


Bye for now Vikings!!!


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