Love Faded

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

"That's all you've done was use me?! To get to my money?!" I yelled at my wife who was standing on the other side of the room.

"What do you think?! You were buying me everything I wanted so I went with it!" She yelled back with just as much anger in her voice.

"So you never loved me?! But we got married and had a kid!" I was pissed, sad, and confused all at once. I wasn't sure what to feel at that moment.

"I couldn't refuse the offer when you bought such a wonderful ring! Plus you wanted a kid!! I never did!! The protection didn't work and you seemed so happy when you found out so I let it be!" Her face was as red with pure anger and it matched her hair pretty well.

"Do you even love our daughter?" That's all I was worried about now, was our daughter Heaven. She's 4 years old and looks a lot like me. The only difference is that she has her mother's blue eyes.

"Not really. I was glad when she came out. It hurt like hell to give birth to her! She gave me more pain than the time that dog bit me!!"

It was obvious now that she hated our dog Toothless and didn't even care for our daughter. I don't think I can love her after that. Especially when she's been using me this whole time! I can't be with someone who's going to use me just for money and not want an actual family with me.

"It's over. I think we should divorce." I looked at her with a straight face when I said it.

"What?" Merida's face when from pissed to confused in just a matter of seconds.

"We should split. You don't care about me, you don't even care about your daughter. You only care about yourself. It's best if we split so we can each find someone we actually love."

"What about Heaven? What are we going to do about her? I don't want her."

"I'll let her decide. I'm not going to force her with a parent she doesn't want to be with."

She rolled her eyes but nodded. If Heaven wanted to choose to go and live with her mother she could. But I would still like to see her. I wouldn't mind if she wanted to live with me instead of Merida. I'd be happy to give her the best life she possibly could without a mother. Though, I would want her to have someone in her life to be her mother and be there for her when I can't. There are some things only mothers can help her with.

"Fine, she'll choose but I won't be happy if she chooses me." I give her a slight nod and head upstairs to Heaven's room.

I knock on her door gently and wait for her to open it. I hear her tiny footsteps make her way to the door and her trying to open it. Once she gets it open, she looks up at me with tears filling her sparkling blue eyes. She must of heard the argument me and her mother had. I bend down and pick her up and enter her princess styled room. She hides her face in my chest as I take a seat on her bed.

"You okay princess?" I ask. She shakes her head no. "What's wrong?"

"I heard you and mommy fighting." She squeaks. "What's gonna happen now?"

"Well, I don't know how to say this but mommy and I don't love each other anymore. We think it's time to move on and find someone else to love and be happy with."

"Don't you love me daddy?" She looks up at me with her blue eyes and a slight pout on her lips.

"Of course I love you princess. I'll always love you." I hug her gently as I feel her tiny arms make their way around my neck.

"I'll always love you too daddy." I smile a bit and kiss her forehead.

"Now princess, since daddy and mommy don't love each other anymore, we have to split up. So mommy and daddy will be living in different houses. This is where you come in."

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