Going Home

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

After about a week in the hospital, it was time for me to go home. I was given a temporary prosthetic to use while they work on getting a custom one made. They had me walk a bit with it to get the hang of it, but I personally don't enjoy it. When I'm not using the leg, I'll be in a wheelchair that will most likely end up being pushed by Astrid. Otherwise, I'll end up rolling myself around.

I'll be having therapy every week to work on strengthening my skills with a fake leg. It will start as twice a week and then slowly go down to once a week. The doctor says it should take about four to five months for me to get used to walking with the metal leg. Honestly, I'm a little nervous about it. I don't know how I'm going to end up walking like a normal human with this leg. There's a lot of emotions going on in my skinny body, and I don't know how to deal with half of them.

Astrid helps me into the wheelchair with a smile and kisses the top of my head. I chuckle and smile back to her as she gets ready to push me through the door. She quickly double-checks the room to make sure we don't forget anything before she pushes me out. I hold onto a bag of my things that I had before the crash in my lap. Inside the bag are my wallet and my watch. They tossed out my clothes because they were covered in blood as well as torn to shreds. They had to cut them off of me when I arrived to get to my wounds. I'm not too upset about it. I mean, it's not like I was wearing a tux or anything because of court.

I get rolled up to the receptionist's desk to sign my name on a dotted line. I'm glad I finally get to get out of here, but the sad part is, now I'll have a lot of bills I gotta pay. My health insurance disappeared once I was fired from my job, so that's not helpful. I'm glad my parents agreed to put Heaven on their plan but since I'm past the age of 25, I have to have my own plan. They offered to pay for a plan for me, but I told them no, I'll just do what every broke person does and take the free one that doesn't do much help. My parents have already helped me out so much already, I really don't need them to do anything else. There's a lot that I have to pay them back for.

After signing my life away, Astrid pushes me out towards the parking lot. She rolls me up to a car that has my sister inside and opens up the front door. I stop the door with my good leg, not allowing her to open it up anymore.

"Hey! What was that for?" She asks, chuckling a bit.

I look up at her. "I am not sitting in the front seat when I can sit in the back with you," I explain.

She smiles and kneels to my level. She places her hands on my knees and looks up at me. "Babe, you'll be more comfortable in the front seat than in the back. Don't worry, I'll be right behind you."

I shake my head. "No, I want to sit next to you."

"Babe... it's not that long of a drive. I promise." She gently rubs my legs as she smiles sweetly at me.

I look down at her and sigh. "Fine... I'll sit up front."

"Thank you." She gets up and plants a quick kiss on my lips before opening up the front door again.

I let her help me into the front seat and watch as she folds up the wheels chair. I sigh a bit with a smile as I buckle myself up and close the door. After she gets the wheelchair in the trunk, she sits in the backseat and gently places her hands on my shoulders. I smile and relax when she gives me a small message. I place a hand on top of hers after awhile as Hope drives out of the parking lot. I give it a slight squeeze and lift it a bit so I can place a kiss upon it.

After a ten minute drive, Hope pulls into a parking lot of a restaurant. I look up at the sign to see it's Arroyo's, my favorite Mexican restaurant. I smile a bit before looking at the girls who both have smiles on their faces.

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