Everything's Alright

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Astrid's P.O.V.

I continue to sit in the waiting room with Heaven, Hiccup's parents, and his sister, Hope. Throughout the past couple of hours, I slowly started remembering my first encounter with Hiccup's parents. It was months ago when I first met them. We just had our first dinner together with the three of us and he had dropped Heaven off at his parent's house. That encounter was brief, maybe five minutes at most. That might explain why neither of us remembered each other. It has been at least 5 whole months since I've met them.

Right now, Heaven is currently playing with Hope, Hiccup's little sister. From what I've learned from her, she's currently in college preparing to become a teacher. I think that would be a perfect fit for her since she seems to know the right way to cheer Heaven up.

When we first got here, Heaven rarely left my arms and didn't want to do much playing. I tried what I could and so did her grandparents, but neither of us managed to get the little girl to smile at least a little bit. When Hope arrived, she made it her mission to get a smile on her adorable little face. She carefully took her out of my arms and whispered some things in her ear which made her eyes light up. Soon she was smiling and playing on the floor with one another. I believe if she's able to get Heaven to smile, making her forget about her worry, then she'll end up being an amazing teacher.

Hope and Heaven were currently playing with a collection of blocks they had found in the kids back in the corner of the room. They each took turns putting a block on the tower until it fell before starting the entire process over again. Hope always lets Heaven put down the first block before placing her own.

I smile a bit at the two of them before turning my attention toward the doors of the operation room. It's been 6 hours since Hiccup has been in surgery and I'm starting to worry even more. How bad was the accident? Was it really bad enough where he needed to be in surgery for 6 hours? Is his life on the line? What's going to happen?

The feeling of a hand on my arm brings me out of my thoughts. I look over and see Valka giving me a soft smile. "He's going to be alright."

"How are you sure about that?" I ask.

She smiles. "Because he's a Haddock. Us Haddock's are very stubborn. Besides, he's not going to leave his daughter or you. He would never want to do that."

I look at her warm smile and smile a bit in return. "Thank you."

"Of course." She pats my arm gently.

We smile at one another for a moment before I hear the sound of doors opening and closing. I quickly turn my attention toward the doors of the operating room to see a doctor walking toward us. I quickly stand up and take a shaky breath, hoping to Thor that Hiccup is alright.

"Family for Hiccup Haddock?" He asks as he looks up from his clipboard and glances at me. "You are?"

"I'm his girlfriend, Astrid Hofferson." I play with my fingers nervously as I look at him.

He looks at me for a moment before turning his attention away to his parents. "Are you family of Hiccup Haddock?" He asks.

His mother stands up and nods as she gently wraps an arm around my shoulders. "I am his mother, Valka."

He nods before speaking. "Mrs. Haddock, your son was in a terrible accident. His left leg was crushed when he was brought in. I did everything I could to try and repair the nerves and bone, but sadly I wasn't able to do it." (Please forgive me! Explanation in the A/N!)

"So what does that mean..?" She asks as she holds onto me.

He takes a deep breath before telling us. "We had to amputate his left leg. The nerves were beyond repair and so was the bone."

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