Girls Day Part 2

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Astrid's P.O.V.

After creating and baking the 5 dozen batches of cookies with Heaven, we both head upstairs to play with the new stuffed animals. My mother is currently getting ready to close the store in the next hour. I asked if she wanted help, but she just told me to clean the kitchen, which I did. I never leave a kitchen dirty after baking tons of goodies.

Once upstairs, Heaven runs straight to my room to grab the stuffed dragons we get earlier in the day. She's been excited to play with them since we got back, but I had to stop her since we needed to bake the cookies for tomorrows order. She was a bit upset at first until I promised her we could play with them after. For the most part I've realized she enjoys helping you out as long as you promise to play with her later.

As I watch Heaven run out of the room, I look toward the clock to check the time. It's a little past 5 o'clock and I haven't heard anything from Hiccup since he left this morning. I got a quick message for when he arrived at the court house as well as a reply for all the photos I sent him of Heaven throughout our day. But no actual word about what's going to end up happening tonight. I personally hope he'd be done soon so he could spend some time with Heaven and I. Plus we'd be able to give him the gift we got him from 'Build A Creature', both of which Heaven and I are excited for.

As I think about what may be going on with Hiccup, my phone starts to ring. I take it out of my pocket and take a look at the screen. I smile before answering it.

"Hey! I was just thinking of you." I answer.

"Really? Then I guess it's a good thing I called." Hiccup chuckles.

I giggle. "Yes it is. So how's the trail going?"

"It's alright. Merida is trying to deny everything I say, which is expected. I still don't understand why she cares if I have full custody over Heaven." He says. "I mean if I get full custody, she won't have to worry about her anymore. The only thing she'll have to worry about is paying child support which she refuses to do."

"Hmm.. interesting. So, if you get full custody, that means Heaven won't be able to see her anymore, right?"

"Something like that. She'll be able to see her if I give visitation rights." He explains.

I nod to myself. "And what are your thoughts about that? Would you allow Heaven to see her? Or let her see Heaven?" I ask.

"I guess it depends. I would prefer not to. If she doesn't ask I won't have to worry about it. My main goal is to keep Heaven out of Merida's hands. She's been a terrible mother ever since Heaven was born. My daughter doesn't deserve a mother like that. She deserves someone who's going to love her just as much as I do."

I smile at his words before responding. "I'm sure you'll find someone. I mean who would hate such a wonderful, energetic little girl? She's the sweetest child I've ever met. Not only that but she always manages to put a smile on my face."

"Well, I think I may have found that someone but I need to wait a couple of months to figure out if she'll be right." He says with a smile in his voice. "And she is an adorable little girl, and no I am not just saying that because she's my daughter."

I chuckle. "But that does give you a benefit that other's don't get. You get to see her adorable face everyday while other's only get to see it every once in awhile."

"True, true. Anyways, how's your girls day so far? From the photos I've seen, it seems pretty fun."

"Oh yes! We've been having so much fun, and we will continue to have fun until you get here. Which reminds me, will you be able to join us for dinner or is it going to take much longer than you thought?" I ask.

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