Little Talks

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Astrid's P.O.V. 

I stand in my small room and look at myself in the mirror. I wear a simple light blue dress that stops a little before my knees. On the top half of the dress, there is some simple lace that reaches up around my neck and down the middle of my back. The bottom half is very simple with a couple of different kinds of fabric right over one another. This dress is simple yet elegant at the same time, making it a wonderful date dress. 

My hair is curled and has a small silver barrette in the back, making it a half up half down kind of style. I even wear a silver necklace shaped in a heart with my father's thumbprint. It's one of my favorite necklaces but I don't wear it a whole lot because I don't want anything to happen to it. Though since this necklace is very special to me, I thought I would wear it on this night which might also become very special. 

Since I don't have a whole lot of makeup, I only put on some mascara and some lipstick. Since I don't know what will be going on tonight, I didn't want to look to fancy for something that might turn out to be very simple. But I also wanted to put in a little bit of effort in case Hiccup and I manage to share another kiss in the moonlight. 

I take a deep breath and step out of my room with a black shawl and my silver heels in my hand. I step into the living space to see my mother sitting on the couch reading a book. Smiling to myself, I walk over and take a seat next to her. 

"Hey mom, whatcha reading?" I ask. 

"Oh you know, just some boring things." She smiles and looks to me, allowing me to see her glasses resting at the edge of her nose. She takes a glance at me, looking up and down to get about every inch of the outfit in her mind. "Oh you look beautiful. He's going to be speechless." 

I blush a bit and look down. Instead of responding to the complement, I ask a different question. "Are you sure your okay with me going out tonight?" 

She smiles. "Oh of course! You do so much around here. You deserve a night to enjoy yourself and have some fun. And if possible, get yourself a boyfriend." She grins widely. 

"Mom!" I look to her as my blush deepens. "I doubt that's going to happen." 

"Oh have some faith! You two enjoy each other's company a lot more than you think." She states. "I would be very surprised if you return here and you two were not dating." 

"Why do I get the feeling you want us dating more than I might?" I ask her.

She smiles and shrugs. "Well, many reasons. One of which, you need to hurry up and get married! I want some grandchildren! As well as see you get married of course." 

I chuckle to myself and look to her. "Any other reasons?" I ask. 

She looks to me now with a more serious look. "I want you to be happy. You need to be with someone that makes you happy, no matter what goes on in your life. No matter how much you want, you can't take care of me forever. You need to have a life of your own; go on adventures and experience love. I want you to live a life of your own, one that doesn't revolve around me."


"Don't even try to protest. It's what I want. Can you do that for me?" She asks. 

I nod and grab hold of her hands. "I will do as much I can.... I promise...." 

We look to each other for a moment before hugging one another. I hold onto to her tightly for what seems like hours. I don't want to let go of my mother because she has always been there for me. Especially after my father died, she took care of both me and my brother, working twice as hard to put a roof over my head. 

Soon we hear a knock on the door and we both pull away and look at it. As I go to get up to answer it, my mother stops me. "I got it." She smiles and gets up, already walking toward the door. 

I smile a bit and watch her. I look to my shoes on the couch with my shawl and decide it might be time to put them on. 

As I slip on my shoes, my mom calls over to me. "Astrid, you have a visitor!" She smiles as I grab my items and walk over to her. 

"Thanks mom." I smile and look to her before looking over to Hiccup who wears a black suit with a blue shirt under his jacket. He looks even more handsome then he usually does. 

He looks to me as well and I watch as he looks me over with his emerald eyes. He quickly looks up to me and clears his through. "You... look absolutely breathtaking..." 

I blush at his words and smile. "Thank you.." 

We both smile at one another, neither one of us moving an inch until he clears his throat and looks to the flowers in his hands. "These are for you." He hands me a bouquet of blue and red roses. 

I smile as I take them and enjoy their smell. "Thank you, I love them." 

"You're welcome." He smiles looking at me. 

"I will take these so the two of you can go off on your date and have some fun." My mother smiles as she takes the roses out of my hands and slowly pushes me out the door. 

I look back to her a bit surprised and then nod in agreement. "Uh, alright. I'll see you later mom." 

Hiccup and both slowly talk toward the door as my mother calls after us. "Have fun!"  

We both wave back to her and then head downstairs to the bakery. Even when the bakery is closed, we still have to walk through the store in order to exit the building. It's an old building and even though there is a back door, it leads straight to the loading docks and dumpster. Not the nicest area. 

Once out of the building, I lock the front door and follow Hiccup to his car. "So where are we going?" I ask.

He smiles. "It's a surprise."

We both walk to the passenger door and he steps forward to open the door for me. He smiles and gives a small bow. "M'lady."

I smile and giggle a bit. "Why thank you kind sir." I smile and get into the vehicle, allowing him to shut the door once I get in. 

He soon gets in on the other side of the car and buckles himself in. He smiles to me and starts the car before driving off to our destination. 

"So do I get to have any ideas of what we are doing tonight?" I ask, hoping for him to tell me something. 

"Nope!" He shakes his head and smiles. 

I chuckle and look to him. "Really? But I want to know!" 

"Well, sorry but you are going to have to wait." He smiles. 

"Alright, fine." I smile and watch the view pass us by as he drives. 

While I look out the window, I feel a hand grab my own. I look down to see my hand in his and blush a bit. I smile and look up to him as he smiles and drives ahead. 

Well, no matter what happens tonight, I think I'll be enjoying every minute of it. 


Hey!! Here's a new chapter sooner than I thought!!!

Smaller chapter today but I wanted to to have an entire chapter for their date! Plus, I seem to stretch out a lot of the moments! 

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I look forward to whatever ideas you may have for the next chapter! ;)

I must also say that the chapter title was actually thought up by my roommate! So shout out to her even though she doesn't have a wattpad!

Please let me know if you have any ideas, and don't worry, you will get credit if your  idea is used!!

Since I am back to school, it may be a bit harder for me to update some of my chapters. But I will try my best to update at least once a week for each of my stories!!

Thank you all again for reading and I will see you in my next chapter!! Which may end up being sooner than I think! 


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