Pure Happiness

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Astrid's P.O.V.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I look to Hiccup in complete shock. Not once did I think he would ever ask me this question. We shared a kiss yes, but I didn't actually think he liked me like that. He must've felt the same spark I did. Or at least I hope he did.

The past couple of months that we have had together were absolutely amazing. Even the time with him and his daughter are adventures of their own. I love getting to see them every single day. They always bring joy to my bad days and unexpected excitement.

I stand there speechless. He looks to me with his emerald green eyes and starts to get worried. "A-Astrid?"

I snap out of my daze and looks to him. "Y-yes." I manage to stutter.

He looks to me a little hopeful. "Yes what?"

I smile widely with tears of joy filling the brim of my eyes. "Yes I will be your girlfriend." I giggle.

He smiles excitedly. "Yes!" Within seconds, he picks me up and spins me around. I giggle and look to him, excited to move forward in our relationship.

As he brings me down, he presses his lips into mine and holds me close. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull myself closer into the kiss. Electricity sparks between the two of us. We continue to share the kiss, neither of us wanting to let go of this moment. This magical moment. The moment where the two of us share a kiss. It's the moment that he gets to know how I feel about him. And I get to know what he feels about me.

This moment is perfect.

As soon as we pull away from the kiss, we both look to each other and breath heavily. We smile to one another. He leans forward and presses his forehead against mine. I look into his eyes to see the emeralds sparkle in the night sky. I then decide to close my eyes and melt into the moment. To embrace his hold around me and his closeness.

We stay there for what feel like hours, just holding one another with our foreheads pressed together. Once we finally pull away and look to one another, we share a gentle yet passionate kiss. I seem to melt right into it. It's tender yet has so much love that it makes me want to stay here forever. To continue sharing this moment.

After awhile of standing there on the beach, we both finally decide to start walking back toward the cliff. We walk hand in hand as the water touches our feet. I continue to smile as I enjoy the feeling of the water and his hand in mine. I'm so happy that I feel like a little girl again. The same way I did when I played with my father in the living room.

"I am so happy that I get to be yours." Hiccup looks to me as we walk, smiling.

I smile and look back. "I am too. I'm very happy."

I take the moment to kiss him again before continuing forward. He kisses back and walks with, his hand never leaving mine.

"And you know who else will be happy?" He asks, moving his hand to the small of my waist.

I smile and wrap my own arm around him. "And who is that?" I ask, already having an idea in mind.

He smiles. "My daughter."

I giggle a little bit and look up to him. "You're right. She is going to be so happy. And so will my mother actually."

"Really?" He smiles.

I nod. "Yeah, she will be."

We both smile to one another and continue to walk back. I look toward the sky as the sunset colors still remain. The romantic sky above makes me wonder about what is next to come for the two of us. I also begin to wonder if there is any other surprises he might have.

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