Dinner and Fun Times

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Astrid's P.O.V.

I walk into the kitchen to see Hiccup working on dinner. Smiling, I walk over and place a hand on his back. "Whatcha making?" I ask as I look at the variety of dishes in front of him.

"Chicken Alfredo with green beans and biscuits on the side." He answers as he cuts up the chicken.

"Ooo, sounds yummy! Can't wait to try it." I smile and look up to him.

He chuckles a little bit. "Well, I hope it tastes better then my baked goods. My mother would be disappointed if I couldn't cook."

I chuckle a bit. "Well, if you didn't cook, I'd have to ask what Heaven ate then besides take out."

"Oh don't you worry, I feed my daughter. She eats very well." He smiles to me proudly. "She actually enjoys my cooking."

I look to him a bit surprised and place a hand on my chest. "Oh really?? Now I must try this meal."

He smiles and leans in. "You'll get a chance, don't you worry." He plants a quick kiss on my lips before return to his work

I return the kiss and smile. "Good." I lean against the kitchen counter and watch as he cooks.

The cabinets are a dark oak and the counters look to be a light granite. The upper cabinets match the bottom but have glass panels on the doors instead of wood. The kitchen sink sits in front of the window that looks into the backyard. The stove is against the back wall and next to the fridge. It's such a spacious kitchen that it even has an island in the center, with the same kind of cabinets and counters.

"This kitchen is beautiful." I say as I look around.

"Why thank you M'lady." I hear a smile in his voice.

I look to him a bit surprised. "M'lady? Since when did you come up with that?" I asked with a smile.

He turns to me and smiles. "Since we our date."

I giggle and look to him. "Now I'll need to come up with a nickname for you it seems."

"You don't have to." He chuckles and moves the chicken to a pan.

"Well what if I want to?" I walk over and lean against the counter next to him. "I think it's only fair if I give you a nickname as well."

He looks up to me and smiles. "Alright, and what is that nickname going to be m'lady?"

I think for a moment before pouting. "I'm not sure yet. I have to figure that out."

He chuckles and kisses my cheek. "No rush."

I smile when he does and look over to him. I watch as he cooks, checking everything and adding seasoning when needed. He moves around almost like a professional chef does, and the food continues to smell better and better. My stomach starts to growl as the smell strengthens.

Hiccup looks over to me with his emerald gaze. "Was that you?" He chuckles.

I nod my head and blush in embarrassment. I've never felt so embarrassed at being so hungry. "Sorry.. it just smells so good!"

"You don't have to apologize m'lady. It's alright." He kisses my cheek and smiles to me.

I smile when he does that and kiss his cheek in return. "Thank you."

The two of us smile together as he continues to cook. After a little while, he walks over to the cabinets and pulls out some plates as well as some silverware. I walk over and take the plates out of his hands. I kiss him before he has a chance to speak and walk over to the table. I hear him chuckle slightly before I see him set the silverware on the table.

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