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Astrid's P.O.V.

Once we were told we could make our way to Berserker County, we all hopped into our cars and started the long drive. Hiccup and I rode together with his sister in the back seat. Behind us, were his parents while the detective was in the car in front. Even with his lack of sleep, Hiccup was adamant about driving. I told him that was fine if he agreed to route with me and his sister. He was hesitant at first, but he did eventually agree.

So far, we've been on the road for about an hour. Silence has been the overall mood for the car ride, all of us wanting to be there now instead of several hours from now. The wait itself is agonizing. I squeeze Hiccup's hand as I release a shaky breath. Just like Hiccup, I want nothing more than for Heaven to be back in our arms. She always brings so much joy to our lives and it's hard to imagine a day without her smiles and laughter in it.

Pulling out my phone, I see the image of Hiccup and Heaven I set as my lock screen. Hiccup holds Heaven close to him, a smile on his face as Heaven wraps her small arms around her father's neck, squishing her face to his, a smile on her face. We were at the park when the photo was taken. Hiccup had taken us out for a family day, saying that it would be an amazing break with everything else we had going on at the time.


Hiccup pulls into the parking lot of the park and parks the car. With a smile on his face, he jumps out and runs around, opening my door along with Heaven's door. I chuckle as I climb out of the car. He excitedly helps Heaven out of her seat and grabs the basket next to her. I grab the blanket from the back before closing both doors. Once we have everything, I walk with the two of them toward a large empty space. Setting Heaven down, Hiccup takes the blanket from my hands and lays it out before setting the basket on top.

"Daddy," Heaven asks, pulling on her father's shirt. "Can I go play with the others?" She points to the playground behind her where the other kids are playing.

Hiccup glances down at her and then at the collection of children playing on the play structure. He gives her a smile and nods. "Go right ahead, princess. Make sure you stay in sight, okay?"

"Okay!" She grins, giving her father a quick hug before running off to play.

I giggle as I watch her run up to a little girl and introduce herself. Within minutes, those two are running around the playset, playing and chasing some others. A smile crosses my face as I watch her play. One wouldn't realize it but she loves to play. As an only child at home, she's able to play with her toys or with one of us. That doesn't always happen though. Hopefully, one day, she can get a little sibling to play with. I think she'd be an amazing big sister.

Pulling me out of my thoughts, Hiccup grabs my hand and helps me sit on the blanket. I join him on the blanket as he scootches over and presses a kiss to my cheek. A smile crosses my lips as snuggle close to him and look forward, watching Heaven play.

After a little bit of snuggling with each other. Hiccup eventually straightens himself and calls out to Heaven. "Heaven! Lunchtime!"

She turns her gaze to us and gives us a smile before running off with her new friend. I chuckle as Hiccup releases a sigh, knowing his daughter won't be coming over anytime soon. He gets up and brushes off non-existent dust before running off and chasing after his daughter. Her squeals and screams drift through the park along with her laughter. Hiccup is soon chasing his daughter around the play set, doing his best to run underneath when she decides to throw him off. He does eventually catch her though as she runs toward the open field. She squeals when he picks her up, throwing her legs into the air. He catches her and holds her close as he walks back, breathing heavily.

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