Father, Daughter Time

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Heaven's P.O.V.

After our nap time, I played with my friend Lucy. We both had our dolls and were playing with the doll house they had there. As we're playing, one of the nanny's of the day care walks over to me. She smiles to us and kneels down.

"Hello, you girls having fun?" She smiles to us as we play with our dolls, we nod in response. "Good! Now, Heaven I'm here to let you know your father is here to pick you up."

"Really?" I tilt my head a little bit and look at her.

She nods. "Yup, he says he got off work early today."

I smile and stand up with my toy. "Yay! Bye Lucy! I'll see you later!" I wave by to my friend and run towards the front. When I reach the front, my daddy looks to me and smiles. He bends down and opens his arms as I run into them and hug them. "Hi daddy!"

"Hey sweetie!" He smiles and hugs me back. "Did you have fun today?"

"Yeah!" I smile and nod. "We got to play with the dolls and we got to play dress up!"

He smiles. "Awesome. Hey, how about you get your stuff and say bye to your friends then well head out. Okay?"

"Okay!" I giggle and run off to grab my doll and say bye to my friend Lucy. I say bye to a few others then run back to my dad.

He takes my coat from me and helps me get it on. "Alright, lets go." He picks me up and we walk out the door as I wave by to everyone.

I smile and hugs him tightly as we walk back to the car. He chuckles as he unlocks it and opens the back door. He sets me in my seat and buckles me in and kisses my forehead. I giggle and smile as he does that.

"Alright princess, you hungry?" I nod in response to his question with a slight giggle. He smiles, "What would you like to eat?"

"McDonald's!!!" I giggle and smile.

"Alright, McDonald's it is!" He kisses my forehead again and shuts the door before reappearing by the front door. He gets in the car and starts it before driving off to my favorite place.

I look out the window as I watch the buildings and cars pass us by. I watch as parents walk by holding the hands of their kids. Each kid has a mommy and daddy with them on either side, and the best part is they all look happy. They look as happy as one big family.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

I look in my rear view mirror to see Heaven looking out the window. I smile a little and look back through the front window as I hear her ask me a question.

"Hey daddy? Why doesn't mommy stay with us anymore?"

This question is always one of the hardest to answer. It's not easy to explain to a 5 year old. But let's just say I try my best. "Well Princess, mommy and I aren't really on good terms right now. We thought we needed some space for awhile. So she got her own place that you stay at when you visit at."

"So you and mommy don't like each other anymore??" She asks.

I sigh a little. "Not exactly sweetie, we just don't love each other like we used to. But now we got a new buddy to hang out with." I smile as I wait for her to speak.

"Astird???" She asks with a smile in her voice.

I chuckle. "Yup, Astrid. And we get to see her tonight for you lesson."

She smiles and squeals. "Yay!!!"


After our lunch at McDonald's, we head to the store to get a few things before heading home. I bring the groceries in with the help of Heaven and set them in the kitchen. I smile as I watch her stand on her tip toes to put the bag on the table, when she accomplishes it, she claps her hands and squeals.

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