Sunset Romance

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Astrid's P.O.V.

Hiccup soon pulls into a parking lot that's surrounded by woods. Once the car is off, he gets out and walks around to my side. He opens the door for me and holds his hand out.

"M'lady." He smiles.

I giggle a bit to myself before taking it and stepping out of the vehicle. "Thank you." I smile and look around, hoping to figure out the reason we're here. "So, what's the plan?" I ask.

He smiles and holds his arm out for me. "You'll see."

I smile and take it. As soon as I grab his arm, he guides me down a path between the trees. The trail is filled with lights, illuminating the path as we walk. I stare in awe as we follow the trail. It makes me feel as if we are walking through an enchanted forest. I look around as we walk, allowing myself to take in the view before me.

Each steps takes me deeper into a fairy tale. Deeper into a world that seems unreal. I reach forward and allow my hand to graze against the trees as we walk. The scattered roughness along my fingers makes me smile even more. The feeling makes me fall deeper into what feels like a fairy tale.

Before long, Hiccup and I reach an opening near the end of a cliff. There, only a few feet ahead of us stand a table and chairs. The table is covered with a red table cloth, matching the sunset view ahead. The view ahead of us leaves me speechless. Who knew this view could become so romantic.

"Oh it's beautiful." I breath as I take in the view. Everything about this seems so perfect. I don't want it to end, even though it just begun.

"I'm glad you think so." I hear a smile in Hiccup's voice. "Shall we take a seat?"

I look over to him and smile, nodding as I let him guide me. He pulls my chair out for me once we reach the table, allowing me to sit first.

"Thank you." I smile as I take a seat, looking at the spread in front of me.

Spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, and a bottle of wine sit in the middle of the table. I look to the spread as Hiccup takes a seat across from me.

"Look at all this food." I smile and look to him. "Did you make all this yourself?"

He nods. "I did. I thought a homemade meal would be better than a restaurant. Especially with this view."

"This view is amazing!" I look over to the sunset glistening over the water.

"It certainly is." He smiles.

After taking a couple of moments to enjoy the view, Hiccup serves the meal of the night. I smile as I watch him do so, enjoying the start of this wonderful night.

Once the two of us are both served and the wine has been poured, we both start digging into our meal. From the first bite, I automatically fall in love with the dish. To be honest, it's one of the greatest dishes I've ever had.

"This is delicious! I didn't know you could actually cook!" I look to Hiccup as I take another bite.

He chuckles a bit. "Well, I did most of the cooking when I was with Merida. At first I was not the greatest cook. I had to take lessons from my mother to make sure my daughter was eating something that didn't taste like charcoal."

"Oh I'm sure it wasn't that bad. I mean this is amazing." I smile as I gesture to the plate of food in front of me.

"Well, thank you. But it was horrible." He chuckles. "I even managed to start a few fires. I'm quite surprised I didn't end up burning the house down."

I giggle a little bit. "Alright, so since your so talented in making meals, then how come you can't seem to make a simple batch of cookies?" I ask.

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