Meetings and Worries

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Astrid's P.O.V.

"And how's that?" I ask. Hiccup just told me that he was lucky to have me in his life. I couldn't help but smile and wonder how he could be so lucky when truly, I'm the lucky one.

"Oh many many reasons. Now the question is, where would I start?" Hiccup responds.

I giggle quietly to myself as I wait for Hiccup to tell me his reasonings. I hear him speak few words as the sound of cars drive by. I can already tell he's reached the highway and is already on his way to the bakery. He did mention he might stop somewhere but he never mentioned where. It doesn't really matter much to me because I know he'll be here soon, safe and sound.

Before I know it, the sound on the other end of the line turns into a huge crash. My heart sinks as I hear Hiccup's groans as the sound of crunching metal continues. I can't help but think of nasty things as I hear all the sudden noises come to a stop. Before I even realize it, I'm screaming out his name.

"Hiccup!! HICCUP!!"

I hear footsteps stomp down the stairs as my mother appears next to me, filled with worry. "Astrid? Is everything alright??"

Tears have already filled my eyes when I look over to her. "It's.... it's Hiccup.... I think he's been an accident..." I cry.

"Oh no..." My mother pulls me into a hug and hold me tight as I burst out into tears.

After a couple minutes of the hug, I quickly pull away and run upstairs. I try my best to wipe my tears away as I open the door to the apartment. "Heaven??" I look around the living room for the little auburn haired girl.

She runs out to me with her light fury in her arms. "Yes mommy?" She asks as she stops in front of me.

I kneel down in front of her and smile sadly. "Heaven... there's something that I need to tell you."

"What is it?" She tilts her head a bit, causing some of her hair to fall in her face.

I gently brush it to the side as I look to her. "Your father has been hurt."

"Daddy?! Daddy's hurt?!" I watch as worry fills her eyes along with a few tears.

I nod slowly and pull her close. "Yes.. I believe so.. I need to go to the hospital to check on him."

"Can I come with you?! Please?!" Tears slowly begin to call down her small soft cheeks.

My heart breaks at the sight as I pull her close to me. "Of course sweetie... of course.."

I pick her up and hold her as she starts to release some of her tears. I walk quickly to my bedroom to grab my purse and take off my apron. It's not easy doing it with Heaven in my arms but I don't want to put her down. So instead, I untie my apron and carefully take it off before laying it on my bed. I grab my purse off of it's hook and head downstairs to grab our coats.

My mother takes Heaven from me for a moment as I grab my coat and slip it on. Heaven squirms a bit in my mother's hold as she holds her arms our for me. I quickly slip my coat on before taking her in my arms again. She relaxes a bit as soon as I grab her out of my mother's hold.

"I'll call you a cab." My mother says before walking off.

I nod to her and grab Heavens coat and help her slip it on. She slowly puts her arms through as she continues to hold onto her light fury. Once I have her coat on her, I hold her close and walk out of the back room. Heaven lays her head on my shoulder as she holds onto her stuffed dragon. I look down to her and gently wipe away her tears as I look over to my mother.

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