Pick Up Gone Wrong

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

"Enjoy the rest of your day."

I bid the final customer farewell as we finish up our day at the bakery. They take their goodies and walk out of the store with a smile on their face, just like they always do. I wait for them to exit before walking over and locking the front door and flipping the sign to "Closed". Walking back to the counter, I grab a bag and fill it with a lemon bar for Heaven, a chocolate brownie for Astrid, and a chocolate chip cookie for myself. I make sure to put it on my tab before setting it to the side and starting the cleaning process.

I sweep first before grabbing the garbage and bringing it out to the dumpster in the back. It takes me about a half hour to complete all of the closing tasks before I'm able to clock out for the day. I make sure to grab the goodies before walking out to my car. I place the goodies inside before looking up at the bakery.

I've been working here for quite a while now. Since I started, I've started dating an amazing person who cares for my daughter like my own. Astrid and her mother have grown close to our family and I couldn't be happier to have them. Tonight, once I pick Heaven up from daycare, we'll be gathering supplies so we can ask both Astrid and her mother to move in with us, officially. I understand they have a place above the bakery they like to stay in every now and then but I want them to know that they have a home. And they will forever have a home with us.

Astrid may not realize but I've noticed she's only bringing small amounts of clothes over every week. One would expect that her entire half of the closet would be full. Surprisingly, it's not. She may have her side of things and have some things scattered around the house, but I would love it if she added more of her own touches to the place.

After taking a moment to look at the bakery, I get in the car and head out. I drive my way to the daycare, playing music to keep the ride entertaining. It takes about 15 minutes to reach the daycare and when I do, I see a collection of the other kids being picked up for the day. I park the car quickly and get out, ready to see my daughter. I follow a group of parents inside and look around for the bundle of joy that's been a part of my life for the past 6 years. There's no sign of her as I get to the front.

"Hello, Mr. Haddock. Are we here to pick up Heaven today?" Marie, the attendant asks.

"Hello, Marie," I respond, "Yes, I am. I hope she's been good today."

"Oh, I don't think we've ever had a bad day with Heaven. She always has a smile on her face," she responds, smiling. "We love having her here."

"I'm glad. I know she loves coming," I reply. I watch as she grabs the walkie-talkie and informs the others I'm here to pick her up.

Once she gets an okay, she allows me to go into the back. I thank her and walk into the back, ready to see my daughter. The moment I walk into the room, I see a handful of girls playing in the back at the climbable castle. A certain auburn-haired girl catches my attention and I smile. I walk over to say hello to my daughter and her friends only to find the auburn-haired little girl isn't Heaven. Confusion raises to my face as I look around the space. It takes everything in me to keep fear from rising.

"Heaven?" I call out, hoping she'd look my way. No little girl looks my way. "Heaven?" I repeat, louder this time. Still no response. I take a breath and walk to one of the attendants in the room. "Excuse me, do you know where Heaven Haddock is?"

"Heaven Haddock?" The brunette asks. I nod.

"Yes, she's 6. She was wearing a purple dress when I brought her in this morning. She has auburn hair and blue eyes. She's supposed to be in this area," I tell them.

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