Asking the Daughter

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

Tonight is the night. The night that I hope to ask Astrid to be my girlfriend.

We've been hanging out almost everyday for the past two to three months. I've learned a lot about her but there is still so much more to learn. She's like a waterfall when it comes to who she is. You learn so much and yet there is still more hiding behind it. Besides, it's also just really hard to not kiss her. Every time I see her, I want nothing more than to kiss her and to pull her close to me. To keep her in my life for as long as possible.

My feelings for Astrid have only grown since I meet her and ended things with Merida. Even Heaven really loves her company just as much as I do. So I know that if Astrid and I do become official, Heaven will most likely be okay with it. Though, it will be best to ask her. I don't want to just assume anything, especially since she's had a lot going on in the past couple of months.

As I think of both Heaven and Astrid, I pull out a navy blue dress shirt along with a pair of black pants. I dress into those and grab my black suit jacket as well as slip on my black shoes. I quickly check myself in the mirror and do a quick brush through my hair so it doesn't look like a complete mess. I grab my silver watch off of my dresser and put it on my wrist, checking the time as I do. I have a half hour to bring Heaven to my parents house and then to go pick up Astrid.

Since I don't know when I will be home tonight, I thought it would be best if Heaven stayed the night at my parents house. They already agreed to watch her for me whenever I needed to go out and do something, but I feel they could use a bit more time together. Even though Heaven has seen her grandparents quite a bit over the past couple of months, she hasn't had the chance to stay the night with them since before her mother and I split. I thought the time with them could be very beneficial for her.

Once I know that I'm all set, I walk out of my room and go over to Heavens. I knock on her door before slowly opening it to see her drawing at her small table in the middle of the room. I smile and walk over to her before kneeling down next to her.

"Hey princess, whatcha doing?" I ask, looking at her drawing.

"I'm drawing a picture." She says as she colors in the sky.

I smile. "What kind of picture?" I ask.

"A happy one."

"May I know who's in the picture?" I ask curiously, hoping she might tell me.

She continues coloring the sky. "Daddy, me, and Asty."

I look to her picture to see a small figure standing in between two bigger ones. They all hold hands with one another and have big smiles on their faces. A tree stands besides them, keeping the sun out of their eyes.

"That is wonderful." I smile and kiss the side of her head. I look to the picture one more time before looking to her. "Princess, can I ask you a question?"

She puts her crayon down and looks to me, giving me all of her attention.

"How do you feel about your teacher Astrid? Do you like her?" I ask, watching her nod moments before my question is done. I smile a bit in relief before continuing on. "Well, daddy likes her too. He actually likes her very very much. So much, that daddy would like to be with her in a romantic relationship."

I watch as she tilts her head a bit in confusion. ""

I smile a bit and nod. "Yes, as in closer friends, almost like how I was with mommy."

"Mommy?" Her eyes light up a little bit at the mention of the name. "She my new mommy?"

"Well, not quite." I chuckle a bit at her excitement. "Astrid and I will need to get to know each other first. She would be almost like a mommy, but she wouldn't quite be your mommy. At least not for awhile."

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