Breakfast With Mom

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Astrid's P.O.V.

The next day I wake up with a smile on my face. I look to the ceiling of my room with a smile before sitting up to look at my phone. There, I see a message from Hiccup.

Good Morning M'lady 😘

I smile to myself before replying.

Good Morning Babe! I hope to see you soon!

After sending the message, I smile and set my phone down. I get out of bed and walk toward the kitchen. I pass my mothers room and decide to check on her. I quietly open the door to see my mother still asleep. I smile to myself before closing the door and walking toward the kitchen.

I start a pot of coffee and decide to make some breakfast. Since I don't work at the dance studio today, I can actually have a decent breakfast. On the days I do work at the studio, I can usually just have a simple smoothie before I need to leave. Healthy but not always filling.

But since I don't work at the studio today, I can make my mother and I breakfast. Something that doesn't happen very often. Most of the time my mother is up before me. She ends up making breakfast for the two of us. And now, it's my turn. I love my mother dearly and she deserves every bit of rest she's able to get.

Once the coffee stops brewing, I pour some into a cup and add some creamer. I take a sip before starting on our breakfast of the day; french toast. French toast is both my mother's and my favorite breakfast. We both love to add some fresh strawberries, which we always have on hand, with some powder sugar. It's the greatest meal ever!

As I prep the toast, I decide to put on some music. One of my favorite things to do is listen to music as I work in the kitchen. I do it all the time in the bakery; it helps make the time go by faster. Plus, who doesn't like baking to some awesome jams?

In order for me to listen to music as I work, I walk back to my room and grab my phone. When picking it up, I notice a message on the screen from Hiccup.

Oh you will. Don't you worry 😘

I smile to the message as I walk back to the kitchen. I take a moment to respond a '🥰' before putting on some music and setting the phone down.

I go into the cupboards and grab a couple of plates as well as a pan. I get everything set up as I heat up the pan. Once everything is set, I start dipping the toast into the coverings before placing them into the pan. I watch them fry and flip them when ready. After that I place them on a plate, knowing they are ready to eat.

As I continue working on breakfast, I sing along softly with the music. While singing, I start to dance to the music. I continue to dance around to the music as I make the french toast. I dip, place, flip, and remove again and again, each time being different then the one before. I continue to do so until I've made enough for both me and my mother, along with a few extras of course.

Once finished with the toast, I continue to dance to the music and bring the plate toward the table. I set it down in the center before returning to grab some plates and silverware. I even take the time to fill up a few cups with some milk and orange juice, milk for her and orange juice for me. Once both are filled, I bring both of them to the table along its some napkins.

As I turn around after placing the drinks, I look to see my mother in the hallway. I stop dancing and blush hard, embarrassed that she must've seen something. "Morning mom." I walk over and plant a kiss on her cheek, hoping to keep my focus somewhere else.

"Morning sweetheart." She smiles and looks to me. "I haven't seen you dance around like that in years. You must've had a wonderful night last night." She walks over to the table.

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