Sketching And Lullabies

476 10 16

Hiccup's P.O.V.

We all sit in the living room and watch a movie with one another. Heaven sits and snuggles close with Astrid's mother as Astrid and I sit next to them. I have my arm wrapped around Astrid's shoulders as she sits close to me. She snuggles close to me and rests her head on my shoulder. I take the moment and smile, kissing her on the top of her head.

The movie we are watching was Heavens choice, Frozen 2. She sings along with the songs and dances around the living room with the characters on screen. Me and her have personally watched the movie about 10 times since it came out. It's become one of her favorites, right next to the How To Train Your Dragon franchise. This is our 11th time watching it, but our first time watching it with Astrid and her mother. They both seem very interested but even more entertained by Heavens excitement throughout the movie.

For one of the songs, Heaven walks over and pulls Astrid to her feet, asking her to dance along. Astrid doesn't hesitate to join and dances along with her. She'll even pick her up and twirl her around which makes Heaven giggle with joy. As I watch the two of them dance around, I glance over to Astrid's mother to see her taking a video of the two of them. I smile, thinking about possibly doing the same thing but instead just decide to ask her about it later.

By the time the movie is over, Astrid and Heaven sit back on the couch and snuggle close with one another. I smile at the two of them and decide to take out my sketch book while they search for another movie to watch. I don't draw often since I do have a daughter to take care of, but every now and then, I'll do some sketching while Heaven is asleep. I've painted pictures for her room as well as added all the details on her walls and door.

I start off with a simple outline of the two of them before adding in the detail that starts to give them their defining characteristics. The shape of Heavens body curled into Astrid's makes me smile. The two of them have always been close since the first time they met, but they seem to be even closer tonight. Their connection even shows in my sketch, allowing me to enjoy the two of them even more.

My thoughts and sketch soon gets interrupted by the small voice of my daughter. "Daddy?"

I look up to her with a smile. "Yes princess?"

"Can we have some dessert?" She asks as she curls closer into Astrid's arms.

I smile and set the sketchbook down on the table. I lean in and kiss her forehead. "Of course. Let me go check on what we have. I believe the brownies we made with Miss Hofferson are ready."

"Oh please! Just call me Ingrid!" I look over to Astrid's mother who has a smile on her face. "No need to be so formal. And I think you are right, the brownies should be ready."

I nod with a smile to her. "Of course Ingrid."

She smiles when I use her name and watches as I get up and walk into the kitchen. I grab a small plate and a few napkins from the cupboard. I then grab a knife from the drawer and walk over to the tray of brownies to cut them. The smell of the brownies fill my nose as I cut them into equally sized pieces. Once done, I place a couple of them onto the plate and walk back into the living room.

"Here you are princess. One for each of us." I set the plate of brownies on the table before sitting back on the couch.

Heaven smiles happily and tries her best to reach the brownies without getting out of Astrid's lap. I chuckle and lean forward grabbing the plate and holding it closer to her for her to reach. She giggles and grabs a brownie before leaning back into Astrid's hold.

"Thank you daddy." She smiles and takes a bite.

"You're welcome princess." I smile and let both Astrid and Ingrid grab a brownie before grabbing my own and leaning back into my seat.

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