Girls Day Part 1

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Astrid's P.O.V.

I stand outside of the bakery as I wait for Hiccup to arrive with Heaven. Today I'll be spending the entire day with Heaven while Hiccup spends his day at court. I feel a bit bad that Hiccup won't be able to join us, but then again, I'll be able to spend an entire day with just Heaven. I've been wanting a day like this, especially since Hiccup and I got together.

Ever since I agreed to Heaven coming over, I've been trying to think about the different things we could do together. I thought about doing some baking with her and of course lunch. We can't forget lunch. After lunch, I'm not exactly sure what we'll do. May head to the park or do some coloring. I'll definitely need to ask her what she'll want.

As I think about what we could possibly do for the day, I see a very familiar black car pull up in front of me. I smile to it excitedly as I hear the engine shut off and see an auburn haired man step out. He smiles to me as he walks over to the back door and opens it as a young girl jumps out.

"Astrid!!" She squeals as she runs over to me with her arms wide.

I giggle and kneel down with my arms open. She runs straight into them and hugs me tight. I hug her back and smile wide. "Oh I'm so happy to see you!"

She giggles. "Daddy said we get to spend the whole day together! Is that true?" She asks as she pulls her head back a bit.

I smile and nod. "Yes, that is very true. You and I will spend the entire day together while your father takes care of some personal tasks."

She squeals excitedly. "Yes!!"

I giggle and stand up, keeping her in my hold. I look over to Hiccup to see him smiling at the two of us. "Well good morning." I say as I walk closer to him.

He smiles. "Good morning to you too M'lady." He leans in and plants a kiss on my forehead.

I smile to him before looking over to Heaven. "Do you want to go inside and say hello to my mother?" I ask.

She nods her head excitedly. "Yes!"

I giggle and set her down. "Alright, go ahead, I'll be right in okay?"

She nods and runs over to the door before heading inside. I chuckle a bit at her reaction before looking back over to Hiccup. He smiles down to me before grabbing me by the waist and pulling me in for a kiss.

I immediately wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss between us. I melt at the feeling of his lips against mine and pull myself closer. It's been awhile since we've had the chance to share a passionate kiss like this. Most of our kisses are small and quick as we are always aware of the adorable little one in the room.

By the time we pull away, I have a giant grin on my face. "I will admit that was one of the greatest good morning kisses I've ever received." I admit.

He chuckles. "I'm glad to have made your day."

I smile and give him a quick kiss. "Alright, is there anything I need to be aware of when having this day with your daughter?" I ask.

"Well, not much comes to mind. She may want to go to 'Build A Creature' and get one of the new stuffed dragons. I promised her I would take her but I keep forgetting." He chuckles nervously before continuing. "Which reminds me, I have some money for you guys incase you do end up going."

I watch as he goes into his wallet and pulls out some cash. "No, you don't need to give me money. I can handle any charges that come up today. You need to save your money."

"Did you really think I would allow you an entire day with my daughter and not give you money?" He asks with a raised eyebrow. "The least I can do is help you with any charges she might cause. You don't have to use it, but keep it just in case." He places the money in my hand and looks to me.

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