Good and Bad

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Astrid's P.O.V.

A month has passed since Hiccup and I confessed our love for one another. We've slowly been having more sleepover's at one another's places and I've had the chance to have more girl days with Heaven. She's continued to call me 'mommy' and at this point I've gotten very used to it. It still startles me every now and then, but my heart bursts every other time she says it.

Hiccup and I have been dating for three months now and I've enjoyed every second of it all. We've been able to go on a few dates which have been very simple and romantic. I've enjoyed every one of them and couldn't wait for the next one to show up. I do love my time with both him and Heaven, but I enjoy the moments when it's just me and him, even if they are small moments.

Currently I'm helping my mother at the bakery while Hiccup spent the day at court. For the past couple of weeks, Hiccup has been struggling to gain full custody of his daughter. Merida kept making it harder for him, saying his girlfriend was taking up all his time away from his daughter. She also somehow managed to bring up Hiccup's financial situation. I don't know how she found out but she told the judge that Hiccup was losing money and having a hard time supporting his daughter.

I will admit that Hiccup is a bit tight with money, but he doesn't struggle when it comes to taking care of his daughter. She is the first thing on his mind from the moment he wakes up to the moment he goes to bed. She doesn't ask for much, just a few things here and there, but he is able to keep her clothed, fed, and bathed. Even if she doesn't know what's happening with her father financially, she's still happy with the life she's given. She still gets to spend plenty of time with her grandparents, with me, and with her father. She's very happy with all of it.

Even if he is having some trouble with putting food on the table, he does have dinner with us at least once a week. Plus my mother likes to give him some left overs that we usually have with our meals together. I've also personally snuck some money into his wallet when he's not looking. He hates asking for money, but I've figured when he's stressing over something. I've taken the liberty of paying for some of our meals as well as helping him with groceries since we have dinner together so often.

Overall, Merida is making things a lot harder for now particular reason. She doesn't even care for the daughter she gave birth too. I don't even understand why she's doing whatever it is she's doing and Hiccup isn't either. I've even tried asking my brother about it but he hasn't bothered to talk to me at all.

Speaking about brother's, guess who just walked through the bakery door. My brother, Aaron.

"Well hello dear brother of mine. I haven't seen you in forever." I greet him as I wipe my hands on a rag. I had just helped a lady who wanted 24 cupcakes, each one frosted in a different color of a rainbow.

He walks over to me with a small smile on his face. "Nice to see you too sis. Say, how's mom?"

"She's good. She's actually gotten better in the past couple of months. I'm sure you would've known sooner if you came by more often." I answer.

"Well, it's not my fault I was able to land an awesome job that paid me well. Also let's not forget my amazing girlfriend." He smiles proudly.

I look at him with a raised eyebrow. "You mean the ex-wife to my current boyfriend? The one who is trying to claim custody over a child she doesn't want?"

"Oh come on sis," He starts, "Just because she doesn't make an effort to see her child doesn't mean she doesn't want her."

I scoff. "Oh really? Last time I heard she wished she didn't give birth to her. If she wanted her daughter, she would take the time to see her and spend time with her like her father does."

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