Loving Moments

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Astrid's P.O.V.

After an amazing lunch with Hiccup's entire family, we all decide to sit outside and enjoy the amazing weather. Since I've never been farther than the front door, I was surprised to see a pool and a giant yard past the back door. Though I probably shouldn't be too surprised since they seem to have the money for it all. The front of the house is giant and very elegant. Only someone with money would be able to afford it, and I am certainly not one of those people.

From the few times I've met Hiccup's parents, I've gathered that they are very kind people. Even with that information though, I can't help but feel intimidated by being in their home. My mother and I have lived above the bakery for most of my life with my brother while my father was out serving our country. Any money we made either went to bills, buying groceries, or back into the bakery. Little of it was used to buy things for the fun of it.

Even though we weren't the richest family, I was still very happy with my life. My parents gave me the best life I ever could've had. I got to work with my mother every day and spend lots of time with her. The same thing happened when my father would return home. He'd help my mother in the bakery and I always ended up helping both of them. To me, it was a very fulfilling life.

Now being in this home with Hiccup and his family, I can only imagine the life he might've had. From what I've gathered, he grew up in this house and had the chance to do many different things. I've seen some photos of him on vacation with his family to a variety of different places. He even seems to have siblings that care for him and parents that will do anything for him.

But now, as I've gotten to know him these past couple of months, he doesn't seem to live his life off of money. He is very hardworking and wishes to take care of things himself. He understands the value of money and doesn't see it as a relationship breaker; which I am very thankful for. He doesn't see money as a tool or a means of having fun. Instead, he understands that fun can happen anywhere at any time, no matter who you're with. 

He makes me the happiest woman in the world. I am very happy that I've been able to find him. I am even happy about his daughter as well. She may not have had the best mother but I hope I've been able to change that for her. She may not be my biological daughter, but I will certainly treat her like she is every single day of my life. She's the sweetest thing and she deserves the world, just like her father does.

As Hiccup and I sit on the porch with his parents, we watch as Heaven runs around the yard with Toothless. They go back and forth chasing each other around the yard as well as playing fetch. Even though Heaven can't through the ball very far, Toothless still seems to enjoy catching the ball. Every now and then we watch as Toothless goes after the ball but returns with a stick instead. It's so cute it makes everyone laugh.

As I watch Heaven and Toothless play, I gently lean back against Hiccup as he talks with his parents. He and his father discuss the business Hiccup wishes to create as his mother excuses herself to grab beverages and dessert. I tried to offer my assistance but she kindly rejected it and told me to relax with Hiccup. There didn't seem like much to argue so I just nodded my head and stayed in my position, with my gaze at the little auburn-haired girl playing in the yard.

My mind stayed focus on Heaven for a while until the sound of the sliding back door caught my attention. I sit up a little bit and turn my gaze toward the door to see a short man with brown, almost black curly hair walkthrough with his arms wide.

"Haha! Hiccup! Nice to see you're still alive!" The short man laughed and walked over to us. Before Hiccup even had a chance to stand the man was already standing by us with his hand on his shoulder.

"Ahaha, Snotlout, what a pleasant surprise." Hiccup turns his head to the man standing behind us and sticks out his hand. "I didn't think you'd come to visit. Like ever. You don't usually visit. Why are you visiting?"

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