Brother Talk?

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Astrid's P.O.V.

As I get ready for my last class of the day with my favorite student, I get a visitor. At first I was thinking it was going to be Hiccup. He always likes to come see me before his daughter's class. But once I look over toward the doorway, I notice that it was instead my brother.

"Hey Aaron." I look over to him as he makes his way toward me.

"Hey sis, how are ya?" He asks.

I answer and reply. "I'm good, how are you?"

He smiles. "I'm good."

"That's good. So what have you been up to lately?" I ask curiously.

He shrugs. "Nothing much, just work and hanging out with my awesome girlfriend."

"That's nice. Remind me, what is your girlfriends name again?"

"Her name is Merida, and she's one of the greatest people I've ever met. She's very similar to me in many ways." He states.

I nod. "How are you two similar?"

He chuckles. "Many reasons." He states. "We both love each other, we both enjoy the same music and bars, and neither of us want children."

"Huh, okay. Though I hope you do know she does have a daughter." I mention as I watch his face for any reactions.

"A daughter that she doesn't want to see and she didn't want to have. She said her ex forced her to have the child because he wanted it. Oh, and remind me, aren't you dating her ex?" He looks to me with a small smirk on his face; one that I wanted smack right off.

I sigh. "One, we are not dating.... yet. And two, he can't force her to do anything. He was happy and excited yes, but then again who wouldn't be? The only person who isn't that happy or excited should probably be in the mental hospital."

He gasps dramatically and looks to me. "How dare you say that! She does not belong in a mental hospital, her husband should!"

"Ex-husband, must I remind you. They aren't married anymore." I correct him.

"Right, whatever, but I still say he belongs in a mental hospital." He speaks.

At this point, I am tired of listening to him speak about all this and want to know the real reason to why he's here. "Alright, so tell me, why are you here?" I ask. 'You don't usually come over to visit. You usually come over here to either tell me something or beg for money."

He stares at me stunned for a moment. "I can't believe you would think I came all the way down here to tell you something. Why can't I just visit with my sister?"

"Because that's not what you do." I state.

He sighs. "Well, you're right anyways. I'm here to tell you something about your almost boyfriend. I saw him earlier today chatting with another woman. Though, I don't think they were just chatting. I believe I saw them share a couple of kisses as well."

"What? I don't believe you." I look to him before going back to my work, not thinking about the comment.

He chuckles. "Well, you should. I saw it with my own two eyes. And I guess if you two aren't actually dating, it doesn't matter what he does now does it?"

As he speaks, I stay quiet, thinking of all the lies that are coming out of his mouth. I've only known Hiccup for a couple of months and he doesn't seem like the kind of person to try and pursue other ladies. Last time I was with him, he didn't seem to show any interest in other women. Even though we aren't dating, i still feel a bit jealous. This doesn't seem right. Why would my brother come over and tell me that he is with another women? What does he have going on in his mind?

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