Drive to Dinner

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Astrid's P.O.V.

It's been a couple of days since Hiccup and I discussed having dinner at his place.We both decided on tonight, since we both have free schedules. Since it not only gives me a chance to see his place, it also allows me to see Heaven outside of the class setting. I've seen Heaven already a couple times this week outside of class, but her father and I haven't showed much change around her. I was hoping tonight would allow me to explain to her the change in status with the two of us tonight. Hiccup mentioned to me he talked to her but had a hard time doing so. I mentioned I would give it a shot and let's hope it goes well.

Since my mother and I don't have a car, Hiccup has agreed to pick us up. He even offered for us to stay the night, saying Heaven would enjoy the sleep over. I'm still a bit nervous about staying at his place. I know we've known each other for a couple of months but we have only been dating for about a week. I'm not nervous about him, just the fact that his daughter is there and I don't want to scare her in any way. Besides, I don't know if it would work out well for my mother, she may need to head back home after we eat.

Anyways, as the day progresses, I work in the studio and prep myself for my favorite class of the day. And yes, Heaven is in that class, that's why it's one of my personal favorites. Seeing Heaven brings a big smile to my face. She is a wonderful little girl and I'm so glad to know she is the daughter of the man I deeply care for. Her smile is certainly the biggest I've ever seen. She even wears all of her emotions on her sleeve, from her excitement to her sadness. Some days it does upset me to see her sad, but it does always bring me joy, mostly because she is always excited.

As I work on my daily task list, some of my students start to walk into the classroom. I smile and greet each and every one as they walk through the room. They all smile as they walk toward the benches where they slip on their shoes and talk with their friends. I even take the chance to wave at each parent who decide to stay to watch the class. I'll even walk over and talk to a few of them, letting them know how their child is progressing in my class.

After talking with a few of them, I walk back to my desk to look at my list of dances for the day. As I look, I feel a slight stumble in my legs as well as a tiny pair of arms wrap themselves around me. I look down to see Heaven looking up to me with a big smile on her face. I smile and kneel down, hugging her closely.

"Why hello!" I speak as I pull away and look to her.

She smiles excitedly. "Hi! Daddy said your coming over for dinner today."

I smile. "That is correct. Both my mother and I will be there. We wouldn't miss it for the world!"

She giggles excitedly and hugs me again, squealing in the process. "Yay!"

I giggle and hug her back, keeping her there for a moment before letting her go. "Alright, go get ready for class okay? We are going to learn a new move today that you can show your Daddy when we get home." I smile and watch her jump around and nod her head in excitement.

I chuckle quietly to myself and watch as she hops along toward the bench with all the other children. In a couple minutes class will begin, and once it's done, it's time to take a trip over to Hiccup's to have a wonderful meal.


Just as promised, Hiccup came by and picked both me and Heaven up once I was done with work. He stood by the door along with my mother and waited for the two of us to grab our items. Heaven grabs her bag and runs to her father. I watch as he kneels down with his arms wide open, allowing her to jump into them and hug him tight. I smile to the two of them as he holds her tight. He kisses her head and instead of letting her go, he stands up, keeping her in his grasp.

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