~Chapter One~

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There was something off about dinner tonight, you couldn't tell what it was. Either it was the fact your older brother had ordered you not to eat the food, or the factor that since everyone else ate, save for you, and were beginning to become pale and act differently than normal. This all confused you greatly, and you wanted desperately to know why. You stood up from the table and excused yourself, walking from the dining hall and down the corridor.

You took in the red carpet and the silver wallpaper. The two colors were there to show what your father always called, "distinguished fashion". You smiled a little at that as you continued down the hall. You stopped outside of your older brother's room, curiously peeking through the crack in the door. There was an odd sound that appeared to make the sounds of a rope holding something in the air. You noted the candle that still burned on his nightstand as you hesitantly entered his room.

"(B/n)?" (for your brother, or bitch if you hate them-) You looked around, seeing the rope fashioned on the ceiling beam. To your relief, your brother was not attached to it. Instead there was a small box attached to a note. Upon bringing the rope down and setting the old box on his bed, you opened the note carefully. It read:

(Thought you were female? Nah man-)
If you're reading this, dear brother, then I will already be gone. For anyone else in the household that finds this first, I apologize for my lack of good judgement. I did not realize what you had planned for my brother and I. We will not be part of it, and I made sure he couldn't be.

Brother dearest, you mean the world to me. I've protected you from everything the world threw at us. So I tell you now, to forgive me for leaving you behind this time. It's something I must do alone, but I will be home soon. I promise you that. Inside the box, I've left you my favorite handgun, some ammo, and a tactical vest. Nothing fancy, but it'll keep you alive until I'm back.

I've gone to find us help, I won't let them trick you any longer. You and I are free, and we'll stay that way. Our 'family' is not what they seem or claim to be. I've seen it, the food we've been eating for years was human. I know what you're thinking; it can't be true. It is.

You openly gag at this, thinking of all the times your brother alluded to it without giving himself away. The, "my steak is tough to chew today." Or those, "man this tastes like people." All this time you figured they were jokes to make you laugh. Now you were confused, why was he telling you this now? You continued to read.

Take the supplies and go to your room, go straight there. Our parents, as real as they are, aren't alive. They never were, we were tricked as children to think that they are. I faked everything for months, wanting them to think I was fine with knowing the truth. Then they said what the plans were for us, the people controlling them are planning to... I must leave now. They're coming. Goodbye brother, stay safe.


You felt like a knife had been shoved into your chest. Our parents weren't alive? You shook your head and took the things, running to your room at record breaking speed. Setting the items down and looking them over, recalling the few times your brother taught you how to use a handgun like this.

I locked the door to my room and stared at the things my brother left for me. "Where have you gone? What have you done this time, (B/n)?" I ask, my voice small as I sat on my knees before my bed. My room no longer looked pretty in my eyes, seeing as whatever they had dosed us with before was no longer active. My wallpaper here was a dull grey and the floor was just hardwood with nothing special to it.

Standing up I put the gear on, suddenly hearing a ruckus from outside of my bedroom. The gun slipped into the holster and I packed the ammo onto one of many belts and pockets. I approached the door to my room, only for it to be kicked in before I reached it. Guns, several in fact, were aimed at me all at once.

"Oh praise the fucking ground I walk on..." I mumbled, mostly due to the fact I lived in a mansion in the middle of no where and here these assholes were, barging into my room in the middle of the night with their guns raised at my face. "Who are you?" (Cue the character template part of games-)

"You aren't one of them..." a man, who caught my eye rather quickly, spoke. His dirty blonde hair fell over his bluish grey eyes as he lowered his gun, he wore something different compared to the others. They still aimed at me, showing off the majority of them having a patch on their right sleeves that just happened to scream B.S.A.A. I watched them for a moment, slowly raising my hands.

"Look, I was raised here and I have no clue what's happening..." I hesitantly took a step backwards, seeing one of the soldiers enter the room and search through it. "Yeah yeah, go ahead and invade my privacy. Why don't you strip search me too?" I spoke, the sarcasm and irritation evident in my tone.

They finally lowered their weapons. "Are you..." the brunette haired male asked, shifting his dark eyes towards the blonde. "Are you, by chance, (Y/n) (L/n)?"

"And so what if I am? What is it to you?" I shot the question at him with malice. I wanted nothing more than to be alone, or elsewhere. These people were bothering me and I wanted them to leave. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to..." I trailed off, seeing the walls and floors coated in a sticky looking crimson substance. My eyes wandered over the walls and saw the rotting bodies and things feasting on them. "What the hell?" I turned to look at them. "What the actual hell is going on?"

"You don't know? This mansion has long since been claimed as a zombie resort." The blonde man spoke up. I furrowed my brow. 'Zombie resort? Why? How?' I pondered. "We were going to blow it up originally. That was before we met your brother."

"You met (B/n)? How is he? Is he okay?" My question either hit a nerve or made them visible cringe. I bit the inside of my cheek, curious of the answers.

"He's dead."

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