-Chapter Four-

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Third POV
When (Y/n) finally opened his eyes, he was lost to the sounds around him. Sitting against the cold bed below and the blank white pearly toned walls that surrounded him. This served as a constant reminder of what his father had done to him, his throat was almost equal to that of a desert. His eyes hurt from the bright lights constantly aimed at his face. He was being watched, of that he was sure.

He tilted his head, looking over at the wooden door that held a single window in the center. He looked himself over, his torso had been bare. There was a bandage that covered the area where his father had run the knife through, but yet the rest of him was exposed to any and all who would enter. At least he was wearing pants, so he couldn't complain all too much.

The door opened, but his eyes were focused on something else. To his right there was a small table off in the corner, a small vase lay vacant on the corner. "Hello..." his voice was quiet as he looked to the person, smiling after seeing the familiar face. "Leon.."

He looked shocked, surprised at the looks of his companion. "(Y/n)! You're awake!" He sat beside the (h/c) haired male's bedside. He rests his hand delicately over the soft (s/c) colored wrist and hovers over his hand. It was quiet for a moment, the monitors making the systematic beeping as per normal. They remained quiet, Leon slowly feeling the male's hand as he lowered his own atop of it. (Y/n) looked at him, waiting for a reaction.

"Leon... why did you save me?" He asks, the confusion evident in his tone.

"Well..." the other began, giving him a weak smile, "you aren't out of the woods just yet..."

"So I'm still dying?" The question was spoken with little thought of the outcome. Leon pursed his lips and removed his hand, though wishing he could have stayed like that a little longer. Leon did not understand this feeling coming over him, why did the thought of (Y/n) dying scare him so badly?

"Don't say that! You aren't going to die, not on our watch..." Leon grasped the other's hand once again, sending a soft sensation down the nerves and into the two's head. Both of them liked being around the other, whether it was a shared feeling they knew not. (Y/n) only knew that Leon was a kind individual that suffered through things, such things that he would never understand completely. And he didn't have to, they could talk and talk and talk for hours without ending.

"Will you have to leave soon?" The smaller male asks, his head tilting slightly to the right as he asked the question.

"I don't believe so, no... why? Do you want me to go? I can-" Leon went to stand, but noticed that his hand was held more tightly than it previously was.

"No, don't go..." they look downwards at the two hands, the (h/c) colored locks falling into their face after a moment. "I don't want to be left all alone again..." the tone of their voice, it held solace and pain. As well as holding guilt and sadness at the memory of the loss of his brother.

Leon sat back down, eyes wandering over the features of the male. "Then I won't go, I won't leave you alone (Y/n). Not until you make me go." The said male lifted his head, locking eyes with the blonde's. A small smile crept onto their face, causing one to slowly sprout on the colder hearted man.

"Thank you Leon, I truly appreciate that you'd do that for me... I'm no one special after all..." he looks off towards the windows and goes quiet. "Has it become colder in here?"

"Only slightly, do you want me to find you a thicker cover? If so, I'll be but a moment." Leon shifted in his seat, awaiting the other's reaction. However, (Y/n) simply shook his head.

"No, no I'm alright..." I looked down at my lap, then to our hands. Did this not bother him? Leon caught my staring and removed his hand quickly. I frowned a little, missing the warmth that his hand brought me and felt the cold take its place.

"I'm sorry... heh, that was quite awkward, hm?" He shifted in his seat, then dragged out a clear device that caught my eye quickly. His gaze never left it once, but he noticed my eyes for sure. "I'm just checking to make sure I don't have to leave soon." His words were soft, holding a calm calamity within them. I smiled again, nodding. Leon was a godsend and that made me ecstatic.

"What kind of jobs do you do, Leon?" I ask, wanting to know more of this mysterious man.

"Anything that I'm assigned, I usually don't mind." He sent me a slight smirk, but frowned when my face remained indifferent.

"Anything? What if you were ordered to kill the president? Would you do it?" I ask, knowing well enough that I never lived in America to know the answer to that. I'd lived in Europe for most of my life, and was confused to learn that members of the B.S.A.A from the North American branch were here. Leon tensed up, his muscles going hard as he avoided my gaze. "Leon?"

"I don't want to answer that." He spoke shortly. I nodded, though part of me wanted to know why.

"That's okay, I was just curious. What else do you do?" I changed the subject, but noticed he no longer wanted to speak of his job. So, I changed the topic again. "What kind of hobbies do you have?" I tilt my head slightly to watch his face, reading him as best as I could. He remained emotionless, save his eyes. They looked like mirrors as they looked with mine and forced me in place. They gave off this Alpha demeanor and always made me shiver at how demanding of a man he was.

"I don't do much, my work doesn't allow it often..." he set the device down on his left thigh to face me directly. "I read sometimes..."

"Can you cook? What do you cook?" My curiosity changed to food, the inviting smells that reminded me of home flooded my nostrils. I pouted slightly, remembering where I was and that my family was practically dead in every single aspect.

"I can grill, I'm not very good in a kitchen, but outside I can do anything." He sends me a slight smirk again and looks around the room, thinking over something. "What about you?" He meets my eye again.

Suddenly I feel shy, avoiding eye contact with him. "Me? Do I cook?" I look at him, but refuse to meet his eye. He studies my face, nodding slowly. "I don't cook, that was always my mother and father. I was taught piano, painting, and the violin. That was what my sisters and I were raised on. As hobbies, I liked to read, finding spare time to spar with my brother or to find a good book in the library." I looked around what would be my housing quarters for some time. "What will I do when I get out?" I ask, leaning back into the bed and sighing. It wasn't comfortable, nothing compared to my own bed. Or whatever was left of it.

"We haven't planned that out yet, but we've been discussing it." Leon's voice was smooth and kind. I sent him a glance.

"Were you always this kind?"

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