;Chapter Twenty-Two;

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I finished dressing myself, wearing a red t-shirt and a pair of grey shorts. I let out a soft yawn and left my room, walking the hall to the kitchen. "Hey, Mr....." I trailed, spotting the male sound asleep at the small counter. His arms were laying flat on the table with his head resting upon them. "Aw... Leon..." I walk over, gently kissing his temple. "You were waiting for me~" I decide to wake him up, because that position would begin to hurt in the morning.

He whined, rubbing at his eyes. "Y/n?" He whispers, rubbing at his eyes to remove the sleep from within. "Have you eaten?"

"Not yet, I figured I should wake you up before making such loud noises. Let's get you to a bed, okay?" I gently guide him to stand, feeling him leaning against my body. "Have you eaten yet?" I question him.

"Yes..." he latched onto my shoulders and wrapped his legs around me. His head rested on my right shoulder as his nose brushed against my skin.

"I'll need to know where you sleep, Leon~ I can't just know that~" I spoke, gently nudging him with my chin. He tiredly pointed to a room near mine, which I walked to and entered. It was a bedroom, slightly larger than the one I slept in. It had Grey wallpaper and light brown hardwood flooring. I approached his bed and laid him down, slightly hovering over his body as he held onto me.

"Stay..." he pouted.

"I have to eat~ then I'll come back, okay?" I offer, feeling his arms loosen upon him nodding a yes. "Alright, I'll be back~" I climbed off the bed and quickly went to eat food.

(Twenty minutes later!)
I chose to wash the dishes after eating, flicking off the lights as I made my way back to Leon's room. Upon opening the door I see him tiredly propped up, his eyes blinking slightly as a quiet yawn left him. "Hey~" I purr, seeing him glance at me and hold his arms out. His fingers opened and closed as he made motions for me to join him. Jack was at the foot of the bed, curled into a ball as I climbed onto the bed and laid down next to Leon under the blanket.

He wrapped his arms around me and cuddled into my torso. "Goodnight..." he spoke sleepily and slowly fell asleep. I smiled and wrapped my own arms around his smaller form, pulling him closer as I held him in a gentle embrace.

"Goodnight Leon..." I spoke back, letting slight sleep take over me.

(Next morning~)
I shifted, feeling weight in my chest as I opened my eyes groggily to stare down at the head of blonde hair. Once my eyes properly focused I noticed Leon laying there peacefully, seemingly happy while sleeping. His body was pressed into mine as his head shifts ever so slightly on my shoulder. My arms were holding him lightly, right arm draped over his waist to keep him in place while my left hand held onto his right.

He breathed softly, his chest rising and falling ever so slowly as he did so. Jack shifted, noticing my awakes form and moved to nudge into my neck. He hugged and licked my cheek before looking at Leon and giving him the same treatment. The dirty blonde pouted, rubbing at his eyes as he reaches up to pet the dog. "I'm up buddy..." there, once again, was that deep morning voice of his. He shifted, lifting his head as his eyes trailed up to my face. "Y/n?" He questions, poking my torso to make sure I was truly there.

"You wouldn't let me go last night~" I move my right hand up to rub the back of his head as he sighs, leaning into my forearm. "I had to stay~" I kissed his forehead and stretched slightly. "Good morning~" I coo as he blushes a bright pink.

"You... you stayed?" His voice is quiet, his heart pounding in his ears as he watched my face.

"You wanted me to, in fact you were awake when I entered the room after eating~ are you hungry?" I ask him, looking into those beautiful blues as he nods a little.

"Mhm..." he lets his head lay back on my shoulder and tiredly began mumbling. "Thank you for being a pillow..."

I chuckle lowly, "of course, kitten~" I moved my hands and hugged the male. "I wanted you to be comfortable~" I squeezed him gently and rolled to lay on top of him, feeling him wheeze and wrap his arms around my body. "Am I heavy?"

"Not very much~ I just wasn't ready for you to do this~" Leon's face is hidden in my shirt, seeming to relax more from something. "You smell good~"

"Do I? I'm glad you like my scent..." I mumbled, hiding my face in his hair as he smiled happily.

"It's like a little woods smell, it suits you..." Leon confessed, moving to roll me off of him. I turned my head to the left, him doing so with the right. "So.. about yesterday... want to have a second date soon? Or are we good enough to claim the other?"

"I doubt you mean sexually, so yes. I think we could take on those odd little pet names~" I hold onto his arm and feel it flex slightly. "What are they... boyfriends?" I flutter my lashes at him as he smiled shyly.

"Yeah... would that be okay? Or is this too fast? We can slow down and-" I place a finger lightly to his lips.

"As long as we don't have sex before a third date, then I say we're good~" I gently kiss his nose and sit up to stand on the cold floor. "Let's get some food~" I hurriedly runs from the room and laugh, squealing when Leon gives chase. My legs move slightly faster, having more time to get away as I hopped the counter and hid from Leon.

The sound of him entering becomes apparent, making me suck in a breath and stay quiet.   "Y/n~" he cooes, walking towards me. I let out a soft chuckle, scooting away from the corner. "Gotcha!" He catches me off guard entirely, causing me to let out a high-pitched squeal as he held my arms.

"Hey you~"

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