~Chapter Thirty-Three~

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I was a mess, hands running through my already messy hair. Where was he? Is he okay? Why did I have to chase him away?! I curled my legs to my chest, despite the pain that surged through my body. I hugged them, which resulted in more pain. I deserved it, it's what I get for making him leave.

The door opens, but I assume it's Chris here to tell me that he's gone. Soft footsteps sound next to my bed, someone crawling onto the bed and carefully unwrapping my arms. I go back to my position, ignoring this stranger. "Leon..." that was his voice. My eyes traveled up, to his face. I reached forward and pressed my lips roughly against his.

I shifted us on the bed, keeping him pinned under me. Our eyes locked for a moment, his watching me in silence. "I'm sorry..." I kissed him again. "So very sorry... I shouldn't have chased you away... I... I thought I lost you..." he smiled slightly, pulling me close to kiss him again.

Instead of pulling away a moment after, I pressed my body down against his. Hands moving to rub my neck and run through my hair with the soft, calloused skin. I shivered a little at his touches, tilting my head to deepen the kiss. At this moment I couldn't care if we were caught making out, I wanted him to know how much I loved him. How much he means to me.

I lick his bottom lip, feeling him open his mouth. What I hadn't thought of was him closing his teeth lightly on my tongue and tugging me forward. I smirked, moving to explore his mouth when he let my tongue go. I could feel him shudder under me, making it known that he's comfortable with me.

Finally I pull away, breathing in the oxygen my body begged for. "I love you..." I whisper, seeing him smile up at me.

He kisses me softly, then pulls away with that same little smile. "I love you too, Leon..." my heart fluttered at his words, happy that he still loved me. I let my weight fall upon his body, him cuddling into me. I embrace him, happy to be with him again.

I let myself fall asleep after a moment, the energy in my body having been removed from my panic earlier.

Two weeks later!
I sat at the island counter while Y/n took a shower, washing away the mud that had caked itself on him from the running about and working we did while fixing up the backyard. He didn't seem to mind the dirt, just the mess it made in the house.

I offered to take a shower with him, if it would be alright with him. Which resulted in my being called a perv with him smirking happily. I heard his bare feet walking towards the kitchen, Jack following close behind him.

"Leon~" he cooes, moving over to cuddle my back. I lean into his larger body, feeling him hold me up with ease. "I missed you~" he kisses my cheek, slowly moving downwards to my neck. I shivered and turned my head to face him, stopping him from doing anymore or starting something I couldn't be allowed to finish.

"You were taking a shower, I offered to join you." I replied casually, looking back over my next mission briefing and when it was. Tomorrow. Of course I have to leave him so soon again. "Tch. Assholes."

"Don't call them assholes sweetie~" he kisses my forehead and sits next to me. He lays his head on the table and watches me quietly, I see the love and cherishing emotions he shows within his eyes. He's happy. He's content.

I turn to him, setting my device down and giving him my full attention. "Have you ever thought about having a baby?" I asked, though I knew it was a little too soon for this talk. Especially with my like of work, I wouldn't be home as often as a father should be.

He seemed to really think about it, his brows furrowing a little bit. "I wouldn't mind having kids, you know?" He sends me a sheepish smile, watching my eyes. Jack barks, adding in his two cents.

"What do you think boy? Should we have a baby?" I ask him, seeing him move in a circle then sit. He barks again. He usually did that when his answer was yes. "well then," I turn back to Y/n with a smirk. "Think you can bear children?"

"Leon don't be silly, I'm a male too." He pokes my chest. "At least marry me before we talk anything about children." I nod, smiling over at him as he returned it.

"Of course~ are you thirsty?" I ask him, seeing his head shake as a sign he wasn't.

"Not for liquids anyway~" he winked, causing my jaw to drop. He really just went there. I fought the urge to get onto him about it. Not in a bad way, more of trying to keep my cool.

"So you're hungry?" I question, feigning innocence.

"Are you on the menu?" He shot back, fluttering his eyelashes at me. Damn him. He knows how much I can't say no to when he gives me that face. I avert my eyes, not letting myself look at him. "Is that a no then?" He asks softly, seeing to pout. I look at him, seeing his eyes move away from me as his chin rests flat on the counter.

"Do you want me?" I asked, seeing him send me a glare.

"You're my boyfriend..." he shot back at me. "I don't see how I couldn't want you." I sighed at his innocence. I used to be like that, then Raccoon happened.

"No pup, I mean do you want me?" His brow furrowed before his cheeks dusted a light pink. "Well?" I tilt my head slightly, seeing him eye me up and down.

"What if I say yes?"

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