\Chapter Twenty-Seven\

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My heart stopped beating entirely, I could feel the lack of breathing as I sat there frozen in my spot. The raging sound of gunfire was deafened out as I zoned out completely. That's when my eyes finally locked onto Leon's body, gun held tightly in his right hand as he aimed relentlessly at some of the enemies surrounding my squad.

The pain caught up and I swallowed the heavy lump in my throat, breathing in as everything zoned back in. Leon was alive, nothing hit him. Or so I'd thought. Leon sent me a look, confusion me. Suddenly he runs from cover, being shot at with undying attention. My heart raced, seeing him nearing our cover. That's when the first bullet pierced into his left thigh.

"Leon!" I yelled out, abandoning the man next to me and running to him, dragging him into cover. He winced, leaning his back against my chest. I could feel his own heart racing, the beating matching mine. "Oh god! Why did you think that was a good idea?!" I snapped at him, hesitantly leaning him against the cover and looking at his leg.

His left hand reached out, delicately running along from the bottom of my ear to my chin. "I wanted to protect you... at least I'm not dead." I turned my head, giving him a better hold on my face.

"But you could have been." I argue, though my tone goes soft. I inch closer to him, curling into his side. "I'm not sure what I can do with your leg..." I confess. "I was never good at this part." I feel his sigh softly, rubbing the nape of my neck sweetly.

"I'll help you, okay?" His voice is softer than silk, dragging me away from the gunfire and other loud sounds radiating in the atmosphere.

"Y-yeah, okay..." I moved back to his leg, shifting it a little. I heard his grunt and clench his jaw, trying to put on a brave face. I'm sure the gunshot terrified him at first, having most likely not expected it. "Okay... okay... o-okay..." I repeated to myself, mostly to stop from panicking and making the situation worse.

"Hunnigan said we have ten more minutes until reinforcements show up!" I heard Ann's voice echoing. I nod, not really paying attention by this point.

"Check if the bullet is still there, possibly lodged into the bone or something..." Leon grumbles, making it obvious he hated this. Carefully, I move his leg around to check. Luckily, or perhaps not so luckily, the bullet had gone straight through.

"I don't think it wanted to stop by for a chat, just a greeting and left..." I joked, then but my tongue. Now wasn't the time for joking about. We were being shot at and pinned by nearly all sides.

"It went through? Shit... alright, the hard part seems to be over then..." he adjusted his seating, which caused him slight discomfort.

I turned to look back at everyone else in the squad. Our second was still leaned where I left him, his eyes looking around quietly. Ann was firing her pistol at some of the enemies, to help lower the numbers. The other squad members were doing the same. "How many people were with you Leon?" I ask, turning back to him.

"I lost a good amount of my group, where's you captain? I don't see her..." I shake my head, eyes on his leg as I took out medical supplies to patch him up. "Oh... I'm sorry..."

"It's not your fault, rather it's her's for charging ahead of us. It was a massacre Leon... she... her body was mutilated..." I closed my eyes, shaking my head before finishing up. "There, that's as good as I can do... is it too tight? Too loose?"

"It's perfect, you don't have to worry over me..." he cups my face in his hands, staring into my eyes. I scoot over, leaning into him and hiding my face in his neck. "Everything's gonna be okay..." I feel his arms snake around my form, rubbing circles into my back lightly to send any form of comfort he could.

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