\Chapter Eleven\

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Y/n had finished my sentence, "like when you feel the urge to protect them, to get hurt instead of them? Whenever you get that feeling that rushes through your body when they're gone that makes you worry and scared for them?" He seemed to nervously fiddle his thumbs again.

"That's a good feeling, example of it anyway. Why?" I mentally scolded myself for asking that.

He didn't seem to mind it much, as he smiled slightly. "I get that way with you, Leon. I got so worried, but here you are in one piece. You came for me, just like you said you would!" The small smile perked up on his lips again, sending a flurry of pride through my chest.

"Of course I did! I had to find you!" Because I like you. I let out a sigh, thinking I'd never tell him that. He continues to smile at me, making me return it with the smallest one I've ever had.

"You had to?" His tone had become small, but the happiness within made my heart ache.

"Yeah, I did."

"Oh Leon~" he smiled and cupped my face in his hands, looking into my eyes so sweetly. I wanted to push forward and press my lips against his, capture him in the moment and relish in the feeling before regretting everything. I never moved. Instead I waited for him to let me go. "I should pack some of my clothes, huh? Since I'll be moving to your place~" he playfully punched my shoulder and I nodded.

That's when the realization hit me like a moving train. He'd be living with me. In my house. With me. Alone. How would I manage to not confess within seconds? "D-do you want me to help you?" I stuttered out, biting my lip harshly as punishment.

He smiled at me and nodded, standing up. "If you want to, I won't stop you. And hey," he reached over to my face, I unlatching my teeth from my bottom lip, "you'll hurt yourself like that." He smiled at me, then poked my forehead, "it'll get dry or bleed. Don't do that~" he went to walk away, causing me to bounce off the couch and follow after him like a small dog.

He approached the stairs, walking up the quietly while I not-so-quietly walked up them behind him. I trailed behind his form, watching his shoulders and refused to look any farther down despite all of the temptations. He opened the door to a small bedroom, gesturing for me to walk in.

Once I entered, I was taken aback by how similar the room looked to the one at his old home. The only difference in this one was the wallpaper was still attached to the walls and pretty. My heart was pounding in my ears by now. I was alone in a room with him.

Y/n walked in front of me, over to the brown dresser that was cleaned accordingly. He opened some of the drawers and pulled out quite a bit of clothing. My eyes had been focused on the muscles in his arms and shoulders that flexed with every movement. I bit my lip again, watching him. That was, until he caught me.

I sent a glance at the quiet man, noticing him become red in the face and look somewhere else around the room. "Leon? Are you sure that you're alright? You look ill..." I walked over, practically chest-to-chest with the dirty blonde as I placed the back of my hand against his forehead. "You don't feel hot... hm..." this only made his face become a darker shade of red.

I stepped back from him and looked over his face, seeing as though he'd self-destruct at any moment. I sighed, walking around him and out of the room. I approached the room that held little Colson's crib, seeing Alice reading him a book.

"Hey... ah, where are the empty boxes?" I ask, causing her to pause and look over at me with a knowing look.

"So you'll be going with him? I do hope you'll visit, if not then we'll go to you~ little Colson will miss his big brother~" she sent me a wink and I smiled. Though not related by blood, she treated me as though I was. "The boxes are in the closet by your room~" I nod.

"Thank you..." I went to leave.

"And Y/n?" I pop my head back into the room to look at her. "Go get him~" she sent me a wink and I flushed slightly, confused by her words. I nod, leaving the room and over to the closet to grab two boxes. With the folded boxes I walked back into my room, spotting Leon over on the other side of the bed. He sat on the edge, careful not to disturb it, and was holding a picture frame in his hand.

"That's Colson and I." I speak up, scaring the man. He sets it down and looks over at me shyly. "Sorry, just thought you'd like to know." I set the second box down and began to open the first one, making it into the square shape from looking like paper previously. Leon did the same with the other one and nervously folded and placed my clothing inside.

"Colson huh? Who is that? The little one?" He asks. Making small talk as we packed my clothing and other materials that I'd need.

I smile, happy to talk about the boy. "Yeah, isn't he cute?" I chuckle softly, "gosh, he seemed to like you quite a bit, eh?" My smile grew at that, knowing Leon would be accepted by them if Colson liked him. "Hell, even the cat seems okay with you. He didn't bite you once while he was with me!" Right on cue, the playful little fur ball bounded onto the bed, meowing happily at me. "Hi, Hellkitty~" I purred softly, scratching behind his ears and under his chin.

"He's a pretty cat..." Leon began. I smiled again and nodded.

"Isn't he? He's called Hellfire, because we think he crawled from the depths of Hell to join our family. Found him right outside the city in a little box. We took him with us and he's been with us ever since~ ain't that right, baby?" He purred loudly, rubbing against my hand.

I caught Leon smile out of the corner of my vision, sending a wave of joy over me. I loved it when he'd smile, almost like he did it for me and me alone.

"Oooh~" I looked over at him, "that's a good look on you, Mr. Kennedy~" I sent him a wink. He blushed a light pink and began to stutter.

"W-what are y-you talking a-about?" He seemed to scold himself internally for it, but I thought it was adorable.

"Your smile, it's cute on you~" I explain, making his smile grow a little. Hellfire moved over to him, sniff at his fingers before choosing to like him. He licked the man's fingers and I smiled. "He likes you, normally he'd bite you if he hated you."

Leon pet that cat and even went so far as to hold him like an infant and play with him. This made me smile, thinking what he'd be like if he were a father. He'd make a great dad. I'm sure if it. I wonder if he liked anyone, or was married. I never saw a ring, maybe widowed or just a single dad. I shrugged the thought off as he looked over at me. "He's just like a little baby~" he chuckled, which sounded deep and smooth. It also suited him well.

I let out a small laugh, approaching to ruffle the man's hair. "Think so?" I look sweetly into his eyes as I run a hand through my (h/l) (h/c) colored hair.

"Yeah, he's like you in a way actually." Leon began and I tilted my head slightly. I'm like him? "Both of you are the cutest things I've ever seen in my life, hands down."

I felt my chest light itself on fire, but it wasn't pain. I couldn't understand this feeling, was it perhaps pride? Pure bliss? Surely this isn't what love feels like, is it?

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