-Chapter Twelve-

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With a soft gasp leaving my lips, feeling heat move up my neck slightly at his words. "Leon..." my right hand clutched the fabric of the tank top, eyes staring deeply into his as he pets the cat in his arms.

"What? Did I make you uncomfortable? If so then I'm-"

I felt myself smile, "no. No it's okay..." I turned away from him and closed the last box. I placed it on top of the first one and sat on the bed. "Hard to think I'll be leaving here... at least I can come visit whenever I want to, right?"

"Of course you can, whenever you feel like it." He sets the cat onto the bed and he purrs, rubbing against my forearm as I gave him a soft hug. I kissed the top of his head and smiled up at Leon.

"I'm glad to have you, Leon. Truly, you've been so nice to me since the day we met..." I set Hellfire down, standing tall and placing my hands on the dirty blonde's shoulders. "Thank you..." my eyes held thankfulness while his held something different. He hesitantly leaned forward, almost like he's examining my face.

Once our faces were inches apart, I looked into my eyes as if asking for permission to do something. A knock sounded on the door and Leon pulled away from me reluctantly. Cole stood there, the sharpest glare on his features. "Your friends are back." I looked over at Cole, smiling slightly. His glare sharped on Leon. He enters the room and stands chest to chest with my dear friend. "If he gets used or hurt, I'll kill you."

You look at Leon worriedly, concerned for how he'd react to the threat. "Yes sir. I won't let anything happen to him, not without my life on the line." Your chest pounded loudly in your chest cavity, listening to him.

Cole seemed to like this, stepping back to give him space. "Take care of Y/n for us, he's innocent and doesn't know much about the real world. Don't ruin him, and I expect him to be able to-"

"I'll personally drive him here if he wants to visit, I won't stop him." Leon spoke up, making a smile appear on your face. He sent you a slight wink, but turned us head away. He walked over and lifted the boxes into his arms, causing you to start protesting.

"I can-"

"I'll do it, It's alright Y/n~" he has a sweet tone to his voice, coated in honey. After a moment he leaves the room, you following shortly after. Cole grabs your shoulder, causing you to look back at him.

"Sir?" You ask, looking over his dark eyes.

"Take care of yourself, alright? I don't want you getting hurt." He ruffles your hair and leaves you to yourself in the room. Absentmindedly you nodded, then quickly ran after Leon.

That man had threatened me more than once, but I could understand why. He wanted what was best for Y/n, and I got that well. I wouldn't let anything happen to him. He means too much to me to let him suffer. I reached the bottom of the stairs and walked to the front door, following my steps to the wooden door.

I used my elbow to twist the knob, then looked outside. There were two black trucks this time around, but one more was present as well. It read the same words I knew well. "The B.S.A.A... huh?" I scoff, approaching the first truck and watched them open the door. Hunnigan turned her head to look at me as I put the boxes in the very back.

"Leon! Are you alright? They didn't hurt you, did they?" Her voice was soft, the concern evident in her words.

"They didn't do anything to me, but I got Y/n to agree to come back with me. There's exceptions however." I looked at the door, seeing the (h/c) colored locks look outside. She shyly stepped out, closing the door behind him.  I noted that some people out their hands on their guns. I scoffed once more, walking back over to the male. "Hey..." I outstretched a hand for him, which he stared at for a moment. "Do you trust me?" He looked deeply into my eyes, showing to me the fear and worry that was prominent in the (e/c) colored orbs.

Slowly a smile crawled to his face, his hand moving to grab mine. "I do..." his voice was quiet, signaling how shy he was. I held his hand, enjoying the softness of it. I gently tugged him towards the truck with me, his attention looking at the people nearby.

"It's alright, they can't hurt you. I won't let them." I spoke, gently rubbing the back of his hand with my thumb as he climbed into the vehicle. His attention fell upon Hunnigan as I climbed in after him. "Hunnigan, this is Y/n. Y/n, Hunnigan. She helps me out a lot." I spoke and watched him nod, focusing his gaze on his hands.

I closed the door and made myself comfortable. Y/n scooted closer to me, causing me to look over at his face. He glanced at me, still visibly nervous. I bit the inside of my cheek, unsure how to make him comfortable with the people that hurt him previously. I settled with holding his right hand and massaging it.

I looked at the hand Leon took, smiling slightly at it. 'Still so kind to me...' I thought, messing with the hem of the shirt I wore. I was nervous, knowing I'd be surrounded with people that I don't know or trust. Leon understood that, I'm sure he knows that feeling. I leaned back in the seat, to better look around as we started moving away.

"So, Leon." The woman beside us began, earning his attention. He continued rubbing my hand as he listened to her. "What are the conditions you made with him?"

"For starters, no testing on him. That's a condition and a demand from me. Another thing is that he's living with me, nobody is changing that either." Leon shifted, turning slightly to her as he held my hand, no longer rubbing it. "He's no threat to anybody, he never was and it won't be ever."

"Leon? You can't just make these-" he cuts her off.

"I'm not finished." He snapped, his tone lowering. "These are the reasons he came with us. He's allowed to go back to them? Whether to visit or to stay. That's about all of the conditions we set in place. I hope you'll respect them." He went back to massaging my hand, helping to keep me calm.

"Are you sure that's a good idea, Leon?" The driver of the vehicle asked.

"Wouldn't have discussed it if it wasn't."

"Thank you Leon...."

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