;Chapter Thirty-Eight;

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Y/n had been dragged away from the ledge, which made most of us unnerved at the harsh jerk of his body. I wanted to race up there and beat the shit out of whoever pulled him away, but that wouldn't have been wise. Not the best option here for me. I turn my head to the brunette that seemed deep in thought. "Where's this castle?"

Chris' brown eyes turned to lock with mine. "We'll follow the path." He points a long distance away towards a broken castle that seemed to be standing by the bare minimum. I sighed, putting my pistol away.

The other male shifted his large gun in his hands before ordering half of his men to secure the area while the rest of us went for the castle walls. Demistrescu. Who had a name like that and why?

After five minutes Y/n trudged along with his head bowed and followed by the man that sent us here. A smirk plastered on his face which made me disgusted. "Are we ready to be going now?" His deep, commanding voice only added to the feeling of wanting to bash his skull in.

"We are. Assuming you're finished harassing my friend here?" I snapped back, gently pulling Y/n behind myself for his own safety. I owed that much to Leon after forcing his lover to leave.

"Now that depends." He walked forward and gently cupped my face in his hands. "Are you going to do as I say now? Ada?"

"Leave her alone Simmons!" Y/n snarled suddenly, startling the both of us. My brown eyes followed to his body, his chest puffed out and a pissed off expression dawning his normally calm and quiet face. He's changed over the years.

His father must have caused all of that. The abuse and fighting he was forced through, it would be hard not to have changed. There was a glint in his eyes that I couldn't decipher, but shrugged it off as I pulled him down the trail and away from the other man. I was grateful for his defense, but it wasn't needed.

Ada, Y/n, and sadly Simmons walked the side trail that was more of a shortcut to the castle. It led through the servants hidden entrance Ada had found the first time she'd been here. The three trudged inside after an hour long walk in silence and now they were encased in darkness.

Y/n flicked on the flashlight he held in his left hand, using his right hand for his gun. He could have it the other way if he wanted to, but at the moment he wasn't bothered at all. The light revealed the room to be an extended part of the dungeon. "Careful where you step, this place is a collateral danger zone." Y/n joked softly as he began leading the way.

Meanwhile Leon and Chris had only gotten halfway closer to the castle, having been ambushed time from time by the Lycans that attacked Chris the first time he had come here. Leon fought valiantly, his only goal being to return to Y/n. He was going to save him this time.

Chris on the other hand wasn't sure why they would go to the castle grounds. What was so important they needed to be there? His suspicion only grew the longer everyone took to reach the area. They had split apart into groups of five; Leon, Chris, Jill, Helena, and Claire were in one team while many others were in the other groups.

To Leon this felt like a search group for a missing person. Which only made the pit in his stomach more toxic. He felt like vomiting or something and it wasn't due to the alcohol remaining within his bloodstream. That wasn't his problem.

Two hours later!
The group of five had finally arrived to an elevator leading inside the castle. They stepped inside and pressed a button, being lifted up and eventually found themselves in what looked to be a study hall of sorts. Perhaps even an living room.

Fire still cracked within the fireplace, which was odd to the group. It was recent, very recent. Someone had been here recently. However, who had been here and why? There were doors on every side of them, but too many to search together. The five looked at each other before agreeing to meet back in this room within half an hour.

Setting clocks for themselves as they split up. Leon went up the large set of stairs and began looking around the upper floor with Helena and Claire while Chris and Jill split the downstairs between themselves.

Back with Y/n, the male sat with his back pressed against Ada's. The two were in the worst predicament that could cliché them in life. Tied together and hanging from the ceiling was not how they wanted their days to go. The male in the bindings growled through gritted teeth as he rubbed the already skinned parts on his arms and legs as he fought their restraints.

"Stop it! There's no use." Her words have no comfort. It was more as though she were scolding him for trying to save them, but why was she acting like this? "He beat us... he won. Just quit fighting." She gave up?

His body ceased its movements and a look of guilt flashed his face. "It's Simmons. Of course he was gonna betray us in the end, everyone always does." He replies coolly and continues to fight his right ropes. "We can't!" He yelps as a wave of pain shoots up his right arm and begins to see the dark black liquid deep from his arm and roll off his fingertips. "We can't give up now! That bastard can't get away with this!" His heartfelt strength propelled him to continue.

Through adrenaline, or perhaps borderline mutation once again, he snapped the rope and they plummeted to the ground. Y/n's right hip slammed against the stone below and an unsatisfactory crack reverberated through his skull as Ada landed smack dab onto his spine. Another crack left his body and he was forced to lay there as it all slowly began to heal over.

"You did it..." through her shock, she turned and began helping him to sit up properly. "Now we need to make a plan. He'll be back any moment now..." she bites her bottom lip and shyly stares around for anything to give her a plan.

"Let's... let's find Leon." He offers and she shakes her head.

"He would relentlessly hunt him down. That's not an option." She helped him to his feet, right arm wrapped around her shoulders as she helped him lip towards one of the doors.

Unbeknownst to them, Simmons had already found Leon. In beast form, stalking him like a wolf would a sheep in a pasture before pulling on fake wool and acting like one of their own. He followed him through every room with silent precision, slowly getting closer to him.

Finally an opening arrived and he launched his attack, moving quickly and quietly he leapt into the air for the dirty blonde, who shot around in surprise. But Simmons missed.

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