(Chapter Thirty-Nine)

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Something overtly large tackled Simmons to the side. A loud roar echoed through the corridors of the castle and was heard by everyone within. The beast was a large wolf-like creature with patches of fur coated in a mold looking substance. Chris ran into the room after a moment, followed after by the rest of their group. He raised his gun at both creatures.

"Simmons!" Helena shouted, pointing to the creature pinned to the ground. He tried to lift himself, only to be forced back down. "But we saw him die!" She runs over, hooking her arms under the blondes and pulling him back from the two as the wolf unhinged it's bottom jaw and latched onto the side of his neck.

An ear piercing scream gurgled up from Simmons throat, fear etched in his eyes as the beasts teeth grew sharper and drew deeper before ripping a chuck from his flesh, watching it move off his body and tear apart. His eyes fell upon Leon and the other five, before Y/n jumped off the ceiling from an air vent. The male landed on his right knee and left foot.

He stands quickly, staring over the scene as if it were the most interesting thing he could find. "It seems you've discovered my stalker Simmons." Y/n jests, playfully circling the two monsters. His head turns and snaps into every direction the tall male moves. "Unfortunately, once he sets his mind to something, it cannot be undone." With this, he crouched down and lifts the chin of the beat Simmons had mutated into. "What a waste."

Simmons snaps his jaws on the male, but missed as Y/n leapt backwards and giggles evilly. "You!"

"Now now now~ that wasn't very nice, Simmons!" He snaps his fingers together, the wolf lunging in for another bite along the shoulder of the unprepared male. A scream left the beast, having more muscle and bone torn apart and shredded in its jaws.

Y/n skipped backwards more, almost bumping into Chris. Ada flew from the vent now, running up beside the male. She wrapped her cold fingers around his left arm and rugged ruthlessly. "He have to go! We don't have time to play bullshit games!"

His head turns her way, still not spotting the five behind himself. Slowly, as if coming from a trance, his head nods. A sigh of relief left her lips and she pulled him back in the direction of the five before both froze. The wolf went for a third bite, but turned its head suddenly towards the other seven.

Eyes boring into the back of the tall, (h/c) haired male as it stalked forward slightly. It paused and went back to mauling Simmons the moment Y/n snapped his fingers again. "It's not polite to leave food out." He scolds the giant beast, as if he were talking to a small dog.

He turns his head back to the others, spotting Leon amongst them. "Y/n..." Leon greets sheepishly, eyes dancing from him to the wolf and then back. "Got a pet over the years?"

"Part of the virus I never noticed before." He waved his hands in a sense to exaggerate how he didn't have a clue. "There's a lot I didn't know I could do." He lets his arms move to hide within the pockets on his jeans. "You came."

The dirty blonde nods, stepping forward and enveloping the larger male in his arms. He buried his face in his neck and held onto him tightly. "You have no idea how worried I was! You... you need to be more careful!" He scolds, only to be quietly mocked by Ada.

Chris raises his left hand to his ear piece and mumbles something into it that no one else heard or noticed. After the wolf finished off Simmons, as it were to eat him entirely for the virus in his body, it lunged towards Y/n's back and into his body. He had no reaction, as if he were already used to the feeling.

Moments after the wolf was gone soldiers stormed the room with guns drawn as they circle around the two. Ada latches onto his right bicep and tugs him back from Leon, at least she makes an attempt to. "No." This catches both of their attention. Y/n looked down at him lovingly. "No more running."

His lips were pursed, cat-like (e/c) colored eyes staring down at him in silence. His face is harder than stone, no emotion being revealed. "No more running." He repeats, then turns to Ada. She sighs, running towards him as he cups his hands together and launches her into the air. "Not for me anyway." He smiles like a dork, face a light pink as he hugs Leon.

The blonde sighs, melting into the physical touch from his recently missing lover. It had been three years for them, he wasn't going to lose him. Not this time. Chris steps forward, placing his hands on their shoulders. "I time to face the music. You'll be tested on, probably for a while. I can't..." he's cut off.

"That's... actually a problem. You see, we have a deal. I do as I please, under the law of course, have you any memory? Tsk." He shakes his head and steps away from Leon. "I'll agree to some testing. Not everyday." He points at the brunette, pupils going sharper as he continues. "You got that, Redfield?"

"Yeah, I got it." Came his annoyed reply. They all stood there for a while, standing in absolute awkward silence.

Y/n groans, clapping his hands together. "Let's go home Leon, yeah?" The dirty blonde nods and the other male holds onto his hands and smiled shyly towards him.

Two days later!
I held Y/n as close to myself as I could manage. When we had gotten home Jack was ecstatic to see my lover again. He wouldn't leave him alone no matter what I did. The three of us lay on the couch, rather me on my back with Y/n sprawled on my chest like three years ago and Jack laying on the floor next to us.

It's not that there wasn't room for him to lay at our feet, but he chose the floor. He wanted to be near us in case one of us fell off suddenly. My arms tightened slightly, breathing in the intoxicating scent.

Can I just say that there are so many reads in this story so far that I'm actually surprised. It climbed faster than expected, I figured no one would see it ngl. 👀

Ah, thank you though! 1.68k!

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