?Chapter Sixteen?

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I stared at Leon, watching his face calmly. "You ordered food? God..." I smacked myself lightly, "you had me fucked up with anxiety Leon..." he shifted, pulling my slightly larger body into his own.

"My apologies, Y/n. I'm sorry I scared you..." his lips brushed against my bare shoulder and I shivered at his warm breath. I felt myself lean into his body, feeling the beat that merged from him to myself as I wrapped my arms around him.

"It's alright, I got so nervous~" I moved my head to nudge between his shoulder and his neck, breathing in his alluring scent. "You smell nice..." I mumble quietly, without really thinking it through.

"I do?" His question echoes through the room as well accompanied by the sound of his device going off every few seconds. It was a call, so I went to remove myself. His grip around my body tighten as a result. "I smell nice?"

"Yeah, it's a nice scent." I shifted to where we still hugged, but I could properly see his face. His blue eyes stared gently into my own, glancing once to my lips before licking his lips slightly. "I... are you going to be answering that?" I gesture to his device. In return, he simply shakes his head.

"Ada, for once in her life, can wait a fucking minute." He brings both of his hands to my cheeks and leans to press his lips to mine.

"Hey you." I poke his nearing lips, "where's that first date though?" I joked and pressed a quick kiss to his nose. "Settle for that, okay? For now~" I smile at him as he pouts, though nods in defeat.

"Fine..." he grabs the device and pauses. "Well that's not Ada..." he stared at the name and sighs. "Hunnigan, give me a break for once, Jesus Christ..."

"Don't use his name in vain." I snap at him. He stared at me shocked and bites his lip. I smile sweetly, "no, I'm just kidding!~ It's alright~" he sighs and shakes his head at me, chuckling shortly after.

He answers the call, "yes, Hunnigan? Just a warning before you start, he's in the room with me." I watch Leon calmly, a small smile spread across my lips as I lean on my left hand.

"Leon, god! What took you so long to answer the phone?! I thought you were hurt!"

"Aw, you were worried about me? Ah, I'm flattered~" he sent her a wink, then a smile at me. "He'd never hurt me, unless you mean someone coming after him."

"Ugh, men." She mutters and I laugh softly.

Leon looks over at me offended, but the look gets worse when I speak again. "I'm right there with you, sister..." I look away from the male, finally letting my eyes wander about. The wallpaper was a cool beige color and it was pretty much your average kitchen.

"Oh, he is there. Hello, Y/n. I never introduced myself properly and my first encounter with you was not all a pleasant one. I'm Ingrid Hunnigan, I help Leon with his missions."

"Now she's a keeper, I like her. She's not so bad, not from the first time we met anyway~" I stick my tongue out at Leon and he smiled again.

"Hey Leon!" Her voice calls through, gaining his attention. "You're smiling!" The sound of pure shock in her voice sent a wave of giggles over me. Leon sighed, the smile fading from his face as he looked away.

"Yeah, I know I am... he does these little things and it's cute." Leon sends me a look of pure awe and smirks. "He's part of me I'll never allow myself to lose."

"Ooooh~ that's so...." I pause, waiting for the small smile to appear. Once it does I smirk and continue. "That's so petty Leon~" his look changes entirely, confusing him. The look of hurt flashed over his eyes and I felt my chest tighten. "Wait Leon, I didn't mean it like that!" He simply looked away from me and left the room, "oh damnit... not again...."

I lay my head on the counter, feeling the cold wood biting at my cheek. I bit my lip, with so much force it began to bleed slightly. I felt at the small bite, my fingertips touching the damaged skin. I hadn't meant to do it, but part of me deserved it. What I said had hurt his feelings, which meant it shouldn't have been said.

It grew silent in the kitchen and I couldn't bare it any longer. I stood up, walking from the room and directly past the closed door to the living room. I entered my room, after a few minutes of being lost, and closed myself inside quietly. I looked at the boxes, that still needed to be unpacked and decided to focus on that for the time being.

(Because, who tf takes an hour? Thirty minutes later~) (well... okay sometimes-)
I set the boxes, now flattened once again, in the bottom of the last drawer. I sat on the bed and looked around the small room. My eyes first hit the bathroom door, which sent the memory of Leon walking in on me. I blushed a bright pink, but shook the thought away.

I scooted closer to the middle and shimmied my way underneath the thick blankets. I curled into a ball and covered my head with the blanket, sitting in absolute silence and reveling in the darkness the blanket brought me. It was silent, and I started to dislike it. I wanted to go out there and apologize to Leon, but another part of me said I'd only bother him further.

I heard the door be knocked upon and stayed beneath the cover and dead quiet. "Y/n?" His soft voice sounded from outside. It remain quiet, part of me hoping that he would leave and not check on me. The doorknob twists, then followed up with a heavy creak as he opened the door. "Y/n?" He asks again.

I bite my bottom lip, drawing blood from the already healed wound. The virus had healed it into nothing, like always, but I'd down the same damage once again. The sounds of his bare feet touching the wood could be heard as he stepped closer to the bed. I shifted, making it known to him I was here and awake.

"Oh Y/n..." his voice was more gentle this time. "What are you doing under there?" He slowly peels the blanket up, revealing my face to his eyes. Light poured in, but not quite enough to blind me. "Hey... what's wrong? I went back into the kitchen, but you weren't in there... are you okay?"

"Mhm, I'm okay..." I repeated his words, but refused to look at him. "I'm sorry I said that to you... it was mean..."

"Aw, you feel bad? You look like a sad little puppy~" he cooed sweetly to me. I sent him a slight glare. "Aww~ so cute~ I'm gonna call you puppy from now on~" I sigh, pulling the covers from his hands and covering my face with them.

"Go away..." I whine. Suddenly, weight landed slowly on my form, causing a squeal to leave my lips. "Hey!" Trouble was, however, that I was lying in my stomach with this mysterious weight on my back.

I heard Leon chuckle, but not from above my body. "I see Jack has found you~"

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