~Chapter Seventeen~

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I looked to my Doberman, who happened to run in and leap onto the larger male. "Who? He's heavy! Get him off!" I could hear the irritation from his tone and I smile slightly.

"Jack." I spoke, catching his attention. He lifted his head to stare into my soul with his cold blue eyes. "Come here, you'll squish him." I tap my thigh and the dog reluctantly climbs off the bed and runs over to me. The blanket moves, revealing the slightly disheveled male beneath.

"Now who in the-" his eyes grow wide and a smile finds his face. "Oh he's so cute!" Jack stared at the male, waiting for my next order. Y/n shifted and stood up from the bed and approached slowly. "Hello~" he bends down to look the dog over closer. "I've never had a dog before... father said that all they are is dirty and smelly..." I could feel the energy Jack was sending me. It held two different powers, one being that he was offended and the other being that he wanted to know what to do in this situation.

He sat down, staring over at the other male in silence. "Hey now, don't dis my friend like that!" I scold, though I can't keep serious for long.

"What? No I don't mean it like that!" He holds his hand out for Jack to smell, which he does to get acclimated to his scent. He huffs afterwards and gently licks the male's hand.

"Now wait..." I look down at him as he stares up at me, mocking me. "That's my guy..." I cross my arms over my chest.

"Oh? Since when was I yours, Mr. Kennedy?" He fluttered his lashes at me, sending me into a fit of both jealousy and my becoming flustered. Jack slowly moved closer to the male, making my frown grow slightly.

"You traitor..." I mumbled out, staring down at him. "Wait..." my brow furrows. "You son of a bitch..." (See what I did there? Hehe~)

"Now don't call his mother that, there's no need to be sexist Leon..." Y/n defends, making my feign hurt.

"Who's side are you on?" I gesture to him, seeing him smile innocently.

"The side of politeness Leon, you should join me sometime~" he winked and scratched behind his ears. "He's kind of cute, you may have competition~" I saw the slight wag of Jack's tail and I shook my head.

"Fine, have each other then." I swiftly turn and exit the room, heading to the front door to answer it and get the food I'd ordered. I paid and walked back to the kitchen. I set the containers down and sat myself down, wondering if the smell would drag in the male.

"Is that food I smell?" I hear his voice from somewhere else, the in seconds I find myself choking on my food as he suddenly appears next to me. "Oooh~ Chinese~" he hugs me gently and then sits down.

"What was that for?" I raise a brow at him.

"For being sweet~ and absolutely handsome~" I felt my face heating up and making myself turn pink.

"Handsome?" I question his words, seeing his smile only widen I response as he sends me an affirmative nod.

"Very~ That stubble makes you hot~" he purrs out, move his right hand to run along my jawline. I press into his hand, sighing happily.

"You think I'm hot?" By now I can see the blush showing up, dusting his cheeks and nose in a medium pink.

"Of course I do! I kind of think it's unfair actually!" He pouts.

"What's unfair? How?" I tilt my head slightly. To say the least, I wasn't prepared for his sentence.

"You saw my bare body, when do I get to see yours?~" cue the choking once again. He sends me a sheepish smile, seeming to feel bad for causing me to choke on the food.

Y/n frowned, feeling sorry for Leon. What kind of human chokes so much on food? He held back on asking such a question just yet, in fear he'd make it worse. "You want to see my body?" Leon asked him, his baby blues capturing the other male's.

"If it's allowed~" Y/n shifts his hand, enjoying the feeling of Leon's stubbly jaw. "God~ I like this~ I like your face~ you have one of those gentle faces~" within his eyes, which betray him, show the absolute awe as love that swirled within the (e/c).

"Well, you have one of those faces that screams to be protected at all cost. You're too pretty to die~" Leon smiles over at him, seeing the emotions that were revealed to him. Jack enters the room, sitting by the two's chairs. Y/n shifts to pet him gently before going to eat.

"My father never let me eat Chinese often, he said it wasn't very good. It was, every. Single. Time. It was amazing. I don't know why he hated it so much. Now that I think about it, he'd constantly mutter and mutter about some, 'bitch in red' or 'that damned Wong!' I guess he had it coming though, his death I mean..." Y/n goes silent, thinking things over in silence for a moment. "I never understood why he hated her so much... she seemed like a nice woman, pretty too." Leon found himself, though having almost choked yet again, (you like being choked, don't you Leon-) staring over at his companion.

"You met her?"

"Only twice, even then it wasn't for long. Only to bring tea to her and my father as they discussed these... well... jobs he'd send her on." Leon's eyes grow wide as he recalls what Ada asked him about earlier. Had it been about.    Y/n?

"What if I said she's after you?" Leon asks him, worryingly.

"I doubt that, from the times we'd talked? She and I became friends. We'd talk through ear pieces and she'd tell me about this guy she always talked to. She talked about him a lot. I don't remember his name. That was... eight years ago now..." the (h/c) haired male sighs, then leans into Leon's body. "But it's alright, I'm sure she's just fine."

"That I am."

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