-Chapter Twenty-

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I sat next to Leon as he was on a call with Hunnigan. She began to explain to me how the enemy worked, though it quickly began to bore me. I figured it would be good to know, but a speech wasn't needed one bit. Even so I listened patiently, as I did ask about it. Her words dragged on for over an hour and I ended up with my head leaned onto Leon's shoulder while he rested his chin on top of my head.

She continues, "so that's what you should expect. The worst at any and all times, things can go bad to worse quickly. Well, I've dragged on for long enough. I suspect I'll be seeing you two soon?" She looks over our faces, seeing how close we were and my half-lidded eyes.

"We'll be there within the next day, maybe slightly longer. I want him to get used to being around the new environment before we do anything drastic. Don't want him to have nowhere to hide as a safe haven." Leon says, his voice softer than silk.

"I see, well. Report to me when you can, I'll leave you two be." With such she hung up and left us in silence.

"Well isn't she just a chatterbox? Hm?" I question, yawning softly afterwards.

"Y/n, it's not even noon..." Leon pokes me in the rib as I whine, shifting to lay my head in his legs.

"Does that really matter, Leon?" I pulled my legs up and encased myself into a small ball as Leon shyly moved his fingers through my (h/l) (h/c) hair.

"I guess not, she does make you want to sleep. She just has that effect on people." His hands are soft as he moves his fingers delicately. "Are you happy here? I know it's a bit early to ask that... but still..."

"I like it here, certainly. You've been good company~" I shift onto my back, the back of my head laying on his thighs. Jack appears at our side and lays his head on my stomach. "And you have been too~" I gently rub the top of his head.

"What do you think boy?" I hear Leon question, Jack looking up at him while enjoying my attention. "Should I keep him?" I smile and listen as the dog replies with a sharp bark. "I'll take that as a yes~" Leon's soft blue eyes looked down at my face as he leaned down to press a gentle kiss to my forehead.

"You're giving me so much attention, Leon..." I trail for a slight moment, "I like it~" I reach my other hand up to brush against his stubbly chin and cup his cheek.

"Whatever makes you comfortable with me," came his calm reply, followed shortly by a smirk.

"You're a dork, Mr. Kennedy~ a cute little dork~" I poke his nose and yawn tiredly. "And now? Now you've been claimed as my pillow." I let my eyes droop closed slightly as I fall asleep. I could hear Leon's soft breathing as his hand moved to play with my hair, making me fall asleep deeper.

(Two hour nap later!)
I felt my eyes opening slowly, noticing I was laying in a different position. My head was rested on Leon's chest, the rest of my body pressed into his while his arms remained wrapped around me. His breathing and heartbeat accompanied me while I moved to look at his face. His eyes were slightly drooped closed, though when he blinked quietly it was made clear he'd just woke up.

"Leon..." I spoke his name softly, seeing him move to look down at me. A small, tired grin pulled at his lips.

"Hey..." there was that deep voice from earlier. "Feeling awake yet?" He nudged closer to me and yawned quietly.

"Mr. Kennedy, you're very comfortable. Do you know that?" I ask him, smiling a little and rubbing at my eyes.

"From how quickly you curled into me, it was a little obvious." His right hand moved through my hair as a soft, content sigh left my parted lips. "You looked so peaceful, so I couldn't move. I think I fell asleep soon after you did~" His arms held my taller form closer to himself, "if you want, we can stay like this."

"Or we could go explore the outside~" I look into his eyes shyly, seeing a small grin find his face.

"You want to go outside and be a small little dog?" I glared up at him and huffed, pushing off of his chest.

"I'm not a dog..." I grumble, crossing my arms over my chest as he sits up. His bare, after throwing off his shirt after I fell asleep, torso brushed against my arm as I remained in his lap.

"Of course not," he mumbled, his arms around my waist and pulling my larger body closer to his. "You're a human being, and I love that about you..." his voice is soft, mostly due to him hiding his face in my arm.

"I would certainly hope that I'm human..." I added in, running a hand through the soft hair. "I like this, very nice~" I give it a gently tug as Leon tenses. "Just want to test the waters~" I purred out, hearing his breathing hitch slightly before regulating.

"Haven't you ever been raised to not tease a man?" He quizzed, holding my chin gently between his index finger and thumb. He tilted my head slightly and stared down at me with his eyes filled to the brim with care. "I'd kiss you here and now, but I'll respect your word from yesterday. I'll earn it instead~" so he places a kiss to my temple, "shall we eat something again?"

"Are you gonna cook?" I ask him, my hands on his shoulders while I sat in his lap, facing him.

"Nope~ you wanted to explore outside~ we'll eat out." He looks over the position and carefully cleared his throat. "You gonna get off of me?"

"Why? Am I hurting you? If I am, I apologize-" I'm laid on my back, pressed into the couch with the shorter male hovering over me. "I-is this what you meant?" My eyes search his, curiously looking at the slight hunger that filled those calm, baby blues. He pulls away from me, out from between my legs and sits himself comfortably.

"Like I said, I'd have moved if I had been you." He glances down at his hands, then stands up. My eyes trail over his muscular back as he bends to grab his shirt off the table. Does he normally sleep shirtless? The thought in itself brought a light pink to my cheeks.

"I see... I didn't mind that though." I spoke up, seeing him glance back at me.


"I rather liked the feeling of safety it brought me~"

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