~Chapter Twenty-Five~

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Leon smirked slightly, pressing his lips against mine as he moves to continue cooking. "So precious~" I hum as he chuckles softly.

"I am?" I sends me a shy smile, flipping whatever he was cooking. I give him a nod, happy to reveal my thoughts about him. After all, he is precious.

Two days later!
I sat down quietly in this small, white room. It appeared like one of those interrogation rooms from the shows I could watch for a while. The only good thing here, was that Leon sat at my side, holding tightly onto my right hand. We were talking about plans for the mission, having been debriefed over it yesterday.

"Fuck..." Leon spat out. "I have to train you to use guns and more... unless you know how to..." he bites his tongue, refusing to say anything more.

"I can shoot a gun, I'm smart~" I kiss his cheek quickly, just as the door opens and am quick to act quiet and innocent. Leon moved our hands under the table, still shy over us being together. I could feel his heart pounding in his chest, through the major artery in his wrist.

Hunnigan stepped in front of the table, setting a file down on the metal table. "Alright you two, you'll be sent in two different squads. I know you don't like this idea Leon, but the suits really wanna test Y/n's abilities. Only if needed, we don't want to stress him out." She sighed and shook her head. "And believe me, I tried keeping you guys in one squad."

I looked down at the silver table, thinking over this. "Then what am I supposed to do? I don't talk to strangers." I point this fact out, which Hunnigan nods for.

"Luckily for you, I'll be your main support. You can ask for help with any and everything." She states calmly and I nod slightly, looking over to the beautiful blue eyes of Leon. He looked confused, scared, and worried.

"I can't lose him Hunnigan. He makes me happy, you better send him with the stronger squad." He held onto my arm.

"I'll do that, I'll also do my best to keep him safe. I know that he's special to you, everything will be just fine." Hunnigan shifted, pushing the file closer to us. Leon picked it up and looked it over. He opened it, eyes skimming over the information that was within.

"When are we leaving?" Leon asks, looking up at her and squeezing my hand.

"Two hours from now." My jaw dropped. Only two?! How were we supposed to be prepared in little to less than two hours?! I looked over at Leon, seeing him send me a knowing look.

"I'll help you pack and do what you need to. Hopefully..." he sighs, letting his gaze flatter towards the table. "Hopefully this mission ends quickly so we can have..." he glances at Hunnigan. "A good meal..." his eyes scan over the information once more, then he pushes it to me.

"Isn't this just the same info we've been reading about for an entire day now?" I speak, letting my eyes move over it. "It is. Missing girl, rumors of some strange cult... blah blah blah..." I huff and rest my chin on the cold metal. Hunnigan shrugs, picking up the file and holding it under her right arm.

"As you know Leon, we'll be forced to take every precaution to keep him safe. That includes detaining him if something goes wrong." Her words are softened now, as if it was sent just to us and not anyone watching us.

"I... I understand..." Leon looks away from the two of us, his grip on my hand faltering as it slipped from his grasp. "Just... don't hurt him..." I reached out my pinky, feeling it brush against the back of his hand. He sent me a glance and offered me his pinky, wrapping it tenderly around mine.

"I'll do whatever I can to prevent that from happening." Hunnigan spoke up, nodding to us. "That's it, let's get the two of you situated, alright? Leon, I suspect you'll show him around and help out with gear?"

"I will." He lets go of my pinky, standing up quickly. I follow after, though a little slower than he had done. I push in my chair, turning my eyes around them as I trailed after the blonde.

"Hey Leon?" I shyly grab his forearm, holding it to myself. He slows down, turning his head in a single swift movement. His dirty blonde locks flew with the movement perfectly, complimenting his looks.

"Yeah?" He asks me, his voice soft and smooth like honey. "Is something wrong?"

"No, no I'm alright. I was wondering if you were okay actually... you didn't seem to like what Hunnigan said..." I placed a soft kiss to the bare skin on his bicep, looking into his eyes once again afterwards. "That and I don't know where we're going..."

He glances towards my lips, eyeing them for a good moment in time. His free hand moved, brushing against my ear and cupping my cheek within his warm palm. I leaned into it, enjoying the roughness against my cheek. "I'm alright, I'll feel better when I can hold you in my arms again after the mission is over with. I'm taking you to the armory, where we'll get you situated."

"But I have a gun Leon." I mumble, looking into his blue hues.

"Yes, a handgun. I mean more than that." He looks around us, making sure we're as alone as possible, then locks his lips with mine. I close my eyes, leaning more into the kiss and wrapping my arms around his neck.

I hear someone clear their throat from behind Leon, causing the male to remove his lips from mine. I cherished the sensation as I removed my arms from his neck. I shyly looked around Leon to see the stranger that had cleared their throat. That and so rudely interrupted a passionate moment between Leon and myself.

"Yes?" Leon spoke, his voice one tone up from a snap. "What can I help you with?"

"I don't mean to bother, Leon. I was curious as to what you're doing, that's all. Wanted to make sure this..." the woman looks me over, disgusted. "Freak. Didn't bother or hurt you." She smiled at Leon, but he didn't return one.

"Well he's not. So if you'd be so kindly to leave us be, that would be appreciated." He snapped at her, reaching behind him for my hand. I placed my hand, palm flat, in his as he rubbed his thumb over the slightly calloused palm.

"What is he so special for?" She argued back, but Leon didn't have any of it.

"He's my boyfriend."

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