~Chapter Nine~

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I stood over by the couch, hand still petting the cat as my attention was dead set on the blonde. "I what?" I blinked, thinking over his words.

He shied away from the topic, seeming to not want to talk about it. I wanted to press, but I didn't want to push him away after a year of searching for me. I sat down on the couch, the cat crawling into my lap. He had earned the name, Hellfire, from acting as though he'd crawled straight from Hell. I rubbed my hand under the chin of his black and orange tinted fur.

(Like that~ Also not my cat, I'm allergic to them- would still pet and die for them though-)

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(Like that~ Also not my cat, I'm allergic to them- would still pet and die for them though-)

He always liked to cause trouble, even the times when he didn't mean to. "I said that I thought you looked nice... you do..." I looked back up at Leon, seeing him bite his bottom lip and nibble on it.

"I look nice? These are working clothes..." I mumbled, looking over myself. He thought I looked nice? I felt my face heat up, only slightly, at his compliment. "Thank you, and you can take a seat next to me. I don't bite, well... he might, but that's just what he does." I stroked along the back of the tiny critter, as he purred happily. Leon took a seat on the small loveseat next to me, leaning into it wearily.

"I haven't have a moment to rest in the past year..." he confesses, making me frown.

"Not even a nap?" He shakes his head, making me frown a little more. "How about you get some sleep? I can wake you up when-" he shakes his head again and looks over at me.

"I'm not wasting the precious time I have with you by sleeping for an hour." He took my left, or free hand and held it gently. "I... I missed you, being next to you. I can always confide in you, because you're the kind of guy that just..." he looked away from me. "Y/n I...." he sighed softly, shaking his head. "I want you to come with me, I won't let them hurt you. We can cut out a deal, I'm sure we can..." he gave my hand a squeeze. By now I spotted Alice leaning on the doorframe and watching Leon through cautious eyes.

"Say, aren't you the man from the city? Leon, right?" She enters the room, sitting in the small rocking chair across from us. A few minutes roll by in silence until the small child ran in happily.

"Y/n/n!" He ran over to you, trying to climb up and onto your lap while the cat tried to assist him. The two got along like two peas in a pod. You carefully pulled the small boy onto your leg, letting him pet the cat that rubbed against him.

"How was your little adventure with Mommy?" You ask him, curious to see how he reacts. He looks over at you, the widest grin you've ever seen on his face.

He beams, almost as if he were glowing and begins to tell you everything he'd seen. "There were cars! Mommy got to talk to some of her friends and they all gave me candy!"

"O-ho! Candy, huh? I'm sure Mommy gave them a talkin to?" He nods, but smiles again nonetheless. He leans his small head against your shoulder, only now noticing Leon.

"Y/n/n? Who's that?" He points at Leon, catching the man utterly off-guard. He tensed up, avoiding the child's eyes.

"That's Leon~" Alice cooed, sending you a small wink of approval before standing up and lifting her son into her arms. "Let's give them some space, okay baby? You can talk to them in a little bit~" with such, she left the two of you alone.

You looked down at your lap as Hellfire opted to follow Colson to wherever he'd been taken. Leon gently moved his hand close to you, his index finger under your chin as he slowly moved you head up. "They treat you like part of the family..." you manage a small nod, grabbing ahold of Leon's hand and holding it in both of yours.

"I'm part of the family..." you confess to him, seeing him send you a warm smile in return. "You'd keep me safe?" You begin, making him confused. He tilts his head slightly, waiting for you to continue. As you do so, he understands. "You said you wanted me to come back with you, that you'd not let them hurt me. Right?"

"Not a moment of pain." He slightly leaned closer to you, eyes holding yours in a small, content moment. "I promise you that," he looks at the hands holding his, the brushes his thumb over the back of one of them. "We can make a deal..."

"I'll go with you, so long as you keep your promise and let me come and go as I please. I don't want to be locked up, I don't like it. I'd like to be able to come back here and visit... I don't like your rules..." you avert your gaze, but slowly are guided back using his other hand. "Leon..." your voice is soft, holding honey and slight temptation in the tone. Leon caught onto this quickly.

"I understand, whatever it is that you want." He sends you another, happy smile. "I just want you to come home with me."

"Home?" You question, making a light, very light pink blush find his face. It dusted lightly over his cheeks and nose.

"Y-yeah... I have an apartment that you can live in, with me... if that's okay! And you can't come and go as you please. I can get everything situated!" He gives you a hopeful smile, which you return with one of your own and a small nod.

"Well... what happens if I go with you?" You were simply curious.

"They'll test you to make sure you're not a threat, but they won't lay a finger on you. I know damn fucking well you're not a threat. Not to me, this family, or anybody else in the world! I'll make sure they know it!"

Your smile grows slightly. "Alright, Leon... you've convinced me, I'll come with you~"

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