?Chapter Forty-Eight?

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3.24k reads? I left for like two-three days- 😂

SecondAfter that moment in the bathroom you had adventured off and into the kitchen

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After that moment in the bathroom you had adventured off and into the kitchen. Leon seemed to be searching for you before he finds you quickly, sitting at the small table with a cup of tea in your hand. (Or any drink of your choice if you don't like tea~ we don't judge here~ 😌)

He let out a worried, though newly relieved sigh and offered the small baby to you. Happily you took her into your embrace, supporting her neck and peering down at her cheery smile. "Hello sweetheart~" you coo to her, eyes sparkling brightly with love. She lets out a happy giggle, hands reaching up and holding onto your face.

Leon slumps into the chair next to you, having slid it over to be beside you once again. "Do you remember anything from the last week?" He asks, making you frown and look over at him.

"What?" The word left your lips in a mutter. "What do you mean?"

"When you were infected with that new virus.." he elaborated and your eyes grew slightly wider. "Do you remember anything?"

"What happened to Ada?" You question him, eyes narrowing down in suspicion. "My nightmare showed her dead."

He chuckles softly and shakes his head, "turns out that had been a clone of Ada, again. The real Ada had never shown up to help you, only activated the tracker." He looks at his hands, folding them together before yawning softly. "I'm still tired from that entire adventure. When you wouldn't wake up last night I began to fear... well..." he doesn't finish, instead shakes his head and sighs shakily.

"Leon..." you mumble, reaching out your free hand, being your right at the moment, to place gingerly over his. "I'm right here and awake. You have nothing to worry about."

He shakes his head, unable to meet your eyes. "You have to be tested on and kept in a facility until they know the virus is properly stable." He blurts suddenly, causing your heart to stop momentarily before you realize it had already stopped a while ago.

"Will I still see you?" You quiz, worry burying your heart further down.

"I... I don't know... but I'll be damned if they separate us." His warm, calloused hands fell over your right hand. He gently squeezed your hand and chuckled tiredly. "I remember when you were a few inches shorter than me... now you're much taller..." he rolls his eyes and brings your hand to his lips, brushing lightly over your knuckles.

"We'll keep going no matter what. We're a family, Leon. We ca do anything." The determined smile on your face brought his hopes up even more, but the notice of what they planned to do to you only weighted his heart down again.

"We'll be just fine." He tells you, mostly as if he's talking to himself. "It's just a few tests anyway." He gets up and moves to cook food, cracking eggs into a skillet with a loud sizzle and flipping them when required. It grew silent in the room, save for the sound of cooking and then Jack's playful arrival.

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