:Chapter Five:

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It had been a few hours, mostly of Leon and I getting to know one another better. Now I could tell he was just as kind as he was before, only lost some of that spark due to the bad things from his past. He didn't like talking about his past, and I thought it was perfectly normal. And for people like us, why wouldn't it be? There was silence between us, our eyes locking together before I smiled sheepishly. "I'm hungry... I wonder when they'll bring... what... dinner?" I looked at the closed curtains, but couldn't see anything beyond them.

"Yeah, if you want I can ask... visiting hours are closing anyway." With such he stood up, sending me one final glance as he headed for the door.

"Wait, Leon!" I called out, having him turn his head to face me. "Thank you, for visiting me today!" He returned my thanks with a small nod, followed by a half-smirk.

"Whenever you want me to come, I will," he spoke, about to leave.

"That sounds like a sex proposition, Mr. Kennedy~" I stuck my tongue out at him, seeing a small smile grace his lips as he chuckled softly.

"Some kind of opportunity, huh?" He stepped out of my line of sight. "Goodnight Y/n..."

"Goodnight Leon..." I smiled to myself, happier than anybody else in the world, even if it was only for a moment. Leon had smiled, I had gotten him to smile today. That was something I worked for, something he should do more often. It made him look more attractive whenever he'd smile, it was a look that suited him.

I leaned back, resting my head against the cold pillow. The door creaked closed and signaled I was alone to my thoughts, to my own devices. I looked to the empty vase, watching it for a moment and picturing what kind of flowers would be nice to put inside. I hear a knock sound against the wood of the door, before it is opened.

A doctor in a long white lab coat, signaling that they had finished their training, walked over and checked the machines before opening their mouth. "Hello, I'm glad to see you awake. We've been waiting for some time now. We'll bring you food back in a moment, I just want to check and make sure that you're okay..." he checks my body and I sigh as he changed the wraps around my body. I sigh, wanting nothing more than to be alone or fed. "Alright, the infection seems to have died down. I'll see to it this is added to the notes. I'll be back momentarily." With such he leaves the room and I lean against the bed.

A nurse walks inside, holding a tray of food that she gently sets upon the small table that she rolls over to be above my lap. "Here you go, I hope that you'll be alright. It's nice to meet you, I'm your nighttime nurse. My name is, Alice." I shake her hand after a moment and watch her for a second. Slowly I move my arms, reaching over and lifting the fork up and taking a small bite of the warm food. "Good that your motor skills are still strong." She walks out of the room and I am left alone.

I continue to eat while staring around myself. There was nothing interesting to the room, only the table, chairs, and the vase. Other than that we're the bed I lay on and the monitors attached to my body. I quickly finish the food, having taken about ten minutes total in eating it, and push the little cart away from my self and laid back down. I looked at the small, thin baby blue blanket that was draped over my stomach before pulling it up higher. I closed my eyes for a moment, ignoring the beeping noises and the constant talking.

(Next Morning~)
Constant talking? I opened my eyes to see three doctors talking Amongst each other and to the two people in the room. My vision was blurry, but I could make out the familiar mop of blonde hair. "Leon?" I ask, voice quiet and soft. They shift, eyes locking with mine before my vision clears completely. Leon stood there, in all his attractive and stupid glory. I blinked, then looked to the woman next to him.

She had medium length brown hair that seemed thicker than others. Her eyes were trained on the doctors, not once sparing a glance in my direction. She spoke, "we understand that you don't like this idea, but the govern-"

The doctor from yesterday cut her off, rather harshly. "It doesn't matter, he needs to be hospitalized for longer than four days."

"Four days?" I question openly, finally gaining the other people's gazes. "I've been unconscious for four days?" I look to Leon, who gives me a sympathetic nod.

"But then you woke up yesterday, spent time talking to me. Then you got to eat and sleep, but the doctors won't-" he was cut off.

"Again, he's not leaving this room until we give the go ahead. I don't care what badges you throw around here. That's not gonna change anything." The doctor snapped, but the other two seemed less brave. They wore shorter lab coats, signaling they weren't finished training fully.

"Go where?" Was another question I had, looking at everyone. "What are you talking about?"

"Can we take this to the hall? I'd rather the poor thing not hear things they shouldn't." The doctor practically dragged everyone else outside. Leon ducked back into the room, from what I assumed was to distract me.

"Hey... how are you feeling?" He says down beside my bed and the doctor peeled his head into the room, staring daggers at Leon. He says nothing and returns outside to the woman.

"You never answered my question..." I crossed my arms over my chest, staring deeply into those soft blue eyes. They seem to soften more and he leans back into his seat.

"About where you'd be going? Not sure the doctor wants me to-" I couldn't take that answer.

"Leon please, I want to know. I have every right to know! If it's about me, discusses me, then I should hear it!" I ranted about this for a moment, then went quiet. "What's gonna happen to me?"

"Well, we have a business pro-" he was once again cut off.

The doctor stormed into the room, dragging Leon out of his chair and into the hallway. I frowned, unsure as to why he wasn't able to tell me. "Don't take him away..." my voice was quiet, so much so that no one heard me. "He's the only friend I have left...." I pulled my legs up to my chest and looked over my arms. In my left arm, there was the IV that agitated the skin around it. Something in my head kept screaming to pull it out, that in reality it was hurting me. Killing me. I reached over to the small cord, wrapping my fingers around it.

And ripped it out.

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