-Chapter Twenty-Eight-

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My heart nearly stopped when I watched the woman, whom had betrayed us, fall limp to the ground. That wasn't what terrified me, rather that the bullet went all the way through and injured Y/n. Ada took the woman's place, then immediately moved over the body and to my lover.

Her hands gently turned his head over, looking at him. She nods, moving to cup his cheeks in her paler toned hands. "Are you okay?" She asks him softly, staring into those (e/c) tinted eyes. He stared back, almost in a shocked, yet calm trance.

"I'm alright..." he replies after a moment, then blinks. I pout, only slightly and avert my gaze entirely. Coincidentally, Y/n had looked over at me right as I turned my head. I heard movement approaching me and soft hands cup my face. "Leon..." I found myself looking at him, a small smile on his lips.

I smiled a little, enjoying the warmth of his hands on my face. I missed him, despite being away from each other for only a few hours. It just proved how attached is grown to him. I found myself lost in his eyes. Intoxicated off of his scent.

"Let's get that bullet out of you arm, okay?" He snaps me back to reality, that's when the pain really began to settle in. I groaned, leaning into his taller body. His arms wrapped around my body in a swift, strong hold. "Ada, can you help me with this?" I can't see her face, but I'd assumed she nodded. I heard her heeled boots clack against the cement underneath us as she stood beside Y/n, messing with my arm.

I grit my teeth, growling out a warning to the ravenette. She simply smiled shyly, continuing to work. I felt her apply pressure on the wound, sending me into a fury of painful grunts. "God damnit." I nearly snarled out, feeling Y/n's arms tighten around me.

I could stand no longer, the throbbing in my thigh having finally taken me down. I felt my legs give out, my dear following with me slowly. Once he was settled on the cold ground, he shifted my position. He moved to be behind me, sitting me in his lap as Ada crouched down to work more.

The woman, or rather their new Captain, stood there silently. Her eyes looked over Y/n, Ada, and I as well as the other two members. "We have one more traitor amoung us." Y/n suddenly confesses. "Or someone got killed without us knowing."

The woman nods, "thank you for the information, Y/n. Rico, come with me. Clancy... you stay here." She orders around the two men, they send each other saddened glances. Rico reluctantly leaves with the Captain and leaves the four of us utterly alone, with the enemy right behind the cover.

"We should get further away from the enemy." Clancy said, walking closer and kneeling down. "This isn't the ideal place to fix wounds."

"Would you prefer if he'd bleed out?" Y/n shot back coldly, which wasn't like him. "Where are my manners? Surely that's such a great idea. In fact, such a great idea, why don't we shoot you in the shoulder and make you keep walking before patching you up? Sound like a good idea now?" His tone was full of venom, which he'd never used on anybody. Maybe once in his father, in his final moments, but not to anybody else that I knew of.

Clancy bit his lip and shook his head, "no sir... it wasn't a good idea." He hung his head slightly, hiding his eyes from Y/n's view.

I felt my lover sigh, burrowing his face into my neck for a moment. "It's alright." Clancy lifted his head slightly.

"Sir?" He questions.

"You're only trying to think practically. You're not even wrong. This is a bad place and time to patch somebody up, but with both wounds?"

Clancy finished for him, almost like he was meant to. "He'd lost enough blood, no need for anymore, right?"

"That's correct. What's your name? Surely Clancy isn't your first name, no?" Y/n asks casually, like I wasn't being attacked by Ada's fingers.

I growled under my breath, feeling her fingertips grip the bullet and drag it out of the bone slowly. "Fucking rip it out woman! Damn!" I snapped. Within second a pinch was felt on my right thigh. This caused discomfort. When I looked down, I noted Y/n's fingers to be the culprit.

"Don't be rude Leon, she's helping you." He scolds me. I bite the inside of my cheek, either I really liked his demanding and scolding or it hurt my feelings to a point. Was it arousing to me or not?! I winced at the pain Ada brought, finally removing the bullet as more blood flew from the wound. It soaked, staining the fabric the dark maroon reddish brown color. I hit my head back against Y/n, regretting doing so.


"It's alright, it doesn't hurt~" I feel him kiss the top of my head, reminding me that I'm loved and cherished by him. I relax, only tensing when alcohol is splashed onto the wound.

"Ow! Motherfucker!" I growled, leaning more into my lover's body. "Fuck..." Ada begins wrapping it, not sparing me anymore of her precious time as she finished and tied it off.

"There you overgrown baby, I'm done." She stands up fully, Clancy following suit.

"Oh right! My first name is Andrew." Y/n nods into my shoulder.

"It's nice to meet you Andrew. Who was your friend? Rico?"

"That's his first name, he won't disclose his last name to anybody... says we don't need to-" a gunshot from the area Ann and Rico went through sounded off.

"Shots fired! Oh someone just got caught slackin." Y/n smiled, helping me to my feet. "Let's go!" And he ran off without us.

"Wait! Y/n don't-" the Captain yelled out, but Y/n had already joined them. "Don't sh-" a single gunshot rang through the room. Then another. And another.

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