/Chapter Eighteen/

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I watched as Leon's eyes grew wide, revealing his horrified expression as he spun in his seat. "Oh!" A smile graced my features as I turned in my chair to the pretty woman. "See?" I nudged him with my elbow, "I said she was a capable woman~"

She sends me a small, smile and proceeds to wink at Leon. Her eyes narrow over his face when he doesn't blush or shy away from her, not like back in China a few years prior. "What? Did you miss me so greatly?" She looks back at me, her eyes staying with mine.

"Of course I did! Oh! Have you met Leon? He's been so nice to me~" I smiled widely as Leon sent me a small smirk.

"Yeah, I've met your friend Y/n. I've saved her life plenty as she's saved my life, what... more?" He spoke and my smile faltered slightly. Wait, was he the guy Ada always mentioned? Are they connected? Or is it all a coincidence?

"Oh?" The sound left my lips before I could register it.

"Found someone special, eh Leon?" She takes a step towards the dirty blonde and captures his chin in her hands. "Don't you fuck up and ruin him, you hear me? You'll have Hell to pay otherwise." She warned him, though I saw amusement spark in his eyes.

She lets go of his chin to grant him his own right of moving again. "I plan on not screwing this up." He spoke, moving his hand to grab mine. "I wouldn't be able to bare it..." the smallest smile I'd ever seen on him appeared. It wasn't much, but was enough to make a small smile lift my lips up.

"Good." She speaks shortly, then sits beside me at the island, "and what are you two eating?" She cast me a sweet look, the one she always sent me whenever we'd have a chance to speak.

"Chinese~" I speak with a hum in my tone.

"Ah, one of your favorites~" she seemed to make the silence perfectly normal. That was, until Leon spoke up.

"So, Ada... how the fuck did you get into my house?" Leon asks, staring at the woman that sat nearby. She seemed to ignore him for a moment, her eyes on my hands and then to my face.

"It's been a while, Y/n. How are you? It's unusual, seeing you a long way from home." Her voice is calm, showing how kind she was towards me in particular.

"Ada..." Leon said her name, seemingly to sound a little stressed.

"Oh relax Leon, I'm not gonna snatch him away from you. There's no need to be a lost puppy~ I just picked the lock." She flashed him one of her mischievous smirks and looked towards her hands.

"Isn't breaking and entering illegal? Ada..." I looked at her with a slightly disappointed look.

"Oh come now Y/n, the practice from sneaking into your room at night was well worth the effort. I've missed you, what's the harm in that?" She ran her right hand over my shoulder before letting it drop. "Or did I interrupt a little date?"

"Oh, not-" I went to say, but Leon cut me off.

"Yes, you did." He spoke so blunt and coldly, catching me entirely off guard. I swear I almost snapped my neck from how fast I turned to meet his baby blue hues.


"I mean, it wasn't a date... still..." he shied away from me and blocked his face with his hand. Did he want a date? He could have just asked. I find myself smiling like a small boy, leaning my weight in my chair to lean against the male.

"You wanted a date? Or to be alone?" I ask him, shifting so that I could look into his eyes. He shifts, his eyes dropping to look over my features as if I'd vanish from his life if he looked away.

"Could you blame me?" He retorts, frowning slightly as he dropped his hand gently to lay it over my face.

"Could have just asked~" Ada and I say at the same exact time. Leon looks at her, then down at me through his fingers. The first thing he spots are my eyes peeking through the small gaps between the fingers.

"Hello, Leon~" I smile against the rough, palm of his hand. Suddenly I flinch, feeling his fingers close and remove all hope of seeing his adorable face.

"Well, I won't trouble the two of you further~ however," I hear her set something down on the table and squirm from Leon's hand. He keeps it there despite my protests. "Take care Y/n~" I could practically hear her wave and slight hip shake as she left us alone in the kitchen.

"Mmfp!" Came my mumbled warning. Leon glanced down at his hand, confused. I slightly parted my lips, just enough to lick his palm and have him recoil back from it. He quickly withdrew his hand and wiped it repeatedly on his pants leg.

"Aw, that's disgusting!" He grumbled, sending me a slight glare.

I simply place a hand to his cheek and smile sweetly at him, his eyes softening. "Well you should have heeded my warning~" I gently poke his chest before standing up and heading towards the door. "I'm a little tired, I think I'll head to bed now. Goodnight, Mr. Kennedy~" I caught the slight smile on his face as he nodded.

"Goodnight Y/n..." I heard a soft sigh follow it, making me frown slightly. I wonder if he's stressed about something... I walk down towards my room, without becoming lost for once, and open the door quietly. I hear the small patter of claws following behind me and pivoted to see the large dog.

"Hello~" I send him a smile and scratch behind his ears. "You should return to your master, I believe he desires comfort of some kind~" upon saying so, the dog almost nodded and walked back towards the kitchen. "Smart boy..." I close the door and walk to the bed, slowly climbing under the covers and into the embrace of the cool sheets. My eyes fluttered close as sleep dragged me in.

(Early morning~)
I yawned tiredly, rubbing my eyes and shifting to be able to sit up straight. At first I got scared, not recalling where I was until a moment later. "I wonder if he's awake..." I scooted to the edge of the bed and made it with precision. It was a habit I had. I left the room, being greeted by the smell of what appeared to be bacon and eggs.

I made my way down the small hallway, capable of peeking my head shyly into the kitchen. A small squeak left my lips, as I quickly went back behind the wall for cover. Leon was in there, not only that, but he'd been shirtless.

I heard the soft squeak of the male I've grown fond of, smiling slightly as I continued cooking. I won't call him out just yet.

I looked back into the room, eyes taking in the slightly pale muscular back that was showing to any who entered the kitchen. His muscles would shift under the soft seeming skin whenever he'd move his arms and curiously I entered the room. "Good morning, Leon..." I spoke shyly, looking down at my bare feet.

I heard him shift, humming softly. "Mornin'~" his voice was deeper than I'd thought it to be in the mornings. My jaw dropped slightly, head raising to lock eyes with his. "Hope you don't mind, figured it was only fair, right?" He smirked, bringing up what I said yesterday.

I returned his little smirk, "well~ now that depends on how long I get to stare~" I winked at him and heard his low chuckle.

"Enjoy it~"

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